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My head still hurt a little the next morning but I could easily go on as normal. I smelt something delicious which was coming from my bedside table. A paper bag was wrapped up with a note on it.

Thought you might want this. Peggy x

         Inside was a pretzel, still warm. I smiled at the lovely thought and devoured the pastry in seconds. Even though this was a great start to the day, I was dreading going to work. I just knew that everyone had heard about my mishap from yesterday and I wasn't going to welcomed with open arms....yet again.

      Walking past the women at their stations, I took a few deep breaths before standing next to Rose.

"How are you feeling?" she asked.

"I'm much better, thank you." I answered.

"Don't work too hard today." she ordered as she opened the entrance for me.

       Although Rose had made my morning that bit better, I still had to face the men in the office. Peeking through the blinds, I saw that Peggy wasn't at her desk and I didn't think Jack would save me this time. Sighing, I entered the room, trying to look confident. But all I got back were glares from the other men.

"How hard is it to look after some files?" one of them mumbled.

"She's a woman, what do you expect?" another said.

          They were all trying to hurt me with words but I wasn't going to let them get to me. Sitting at my desk, I got on with my work, pretending that I was alone again. However, Agent Philip just had to push it.

"She couldn't even shoot him properly, bet she was stood right in front of him too." he and his colleagues laughed.

        Abruptly standing up, the chair made a horrible screech against the wooden floor."I don't understand your problem! Ok fine, I let a criminal get away but at least I tried. And if any of you were proper agents you would know that we don't kill the enemy as they may have useful information." my voice was now getting louder with every word."Also, we have dealt with this before and we found out that I am far better at this job than you are, so suck it up and get on with your work gentlemen!" And with that, I sat down.

       The men seemed shocked at the outburst but I had had enough. They don't get to choose these sort of things in life so they just have to live with it. In this case it was working with a woman.

"Agent Hills," Jack's voice startled me,"my office, now."

       I prayed that he hadn't heard any of that, though that was impossible. Even if he hadn't heard the actual words, he would have noticed something going on outside his office. He kept the door open for me before slamming it shut as soon as I stepped inside.

"I see that you and the men are still arguing." he sighed, leaning against his desk.

"It's hardly a fair fight." I mumbled.

"This needs to stop. I won't have this going on, we're adults here."

"Well tell them that! They keep making a big deal about me being a woman, I can't help it."

"They weren't fond of Peggy when she first came, they weren't happy to find another woman coming into their workspace."

"This is how the world works-"

"Look, I think you need to go home. Rest some more, you're obviously in pain."

I scoffed."What? No, I'm absolutely fine-"

"That was an order agent."

I was going to exit, but not before saying,"If you're worried that I can't handle myself with these men, then you shouldn't be. I don't need my boss fighting my battles."

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