Chapter Six

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"How's it coming?!" Tony shouts over the blaring ACDC music.

"Almost done!" I yell in reply. I shift my position on the stool so that I can get a better look at the cold metal casing of Mark 42. I just have to screw in a few more bolts to secure things, and it'll be all fixed from my...accident. As I do so, the hardware buzzes, and then suddenly clicks. Not expecting it, I jump back, and feel myself land on my butt. I hear Tony laugh at me from the other side of the lab.

"Whatever," I sigh, but chuckle anyways. I get up and walk over to where Tony sits. "What are you working on?"

He takes a moment and looks up from his work. Then, he continues on. "Just developing some more suit designs." he kicks his desk with both feet, causing him to roll back his chair dramatically, and reveals a brand new set of blueprints. On the top left corner, I see the words Mark 43. The suit is much more intricate, complicated, and all-around-awesomer than Mark 42. I want to tell him how amazing it is, but decide against it. He'll just let it go to his head.

"I mean, I don't mean to brag, but..." He starts to say.

So much for that.

"If you place these particle launchers in the shoulders instead of the hands, you can move the laser...things to the hands, and make more room for motor function for the upper body, giving it better balance." I state. Tony stares at me for a while, and then laughs.

"Okay, I'll give you that one." He says quietly, and tucks his head back down to modify his blue prints. I laugh.

Things with Tony have been kind of awkward lately, especially after I snuck into the lab. But now he's not a grade A jackass...well, not completely.

After a while, I get bored and walk back upstairs, where I see Pepper sitting on the couch with her laptop in her lap. The TV is on, but muted, and she doesn't seem to notice me. I sit down next to her, and she jumps.

"Eliza, you scared me!" she exclaims.

"Sorry," I chuckle. "What are you doing?" I ask her, and I scoot closer to see her laptop.

"Shopping," she says, and I see a smile creep into her face.

"What for?" I ask.

"Tony has a dinner tomorrow night, and I have to come." She says flatly. "So, I'm buying myself a new dress, and a new suit for Tony, since he'll probably forget about it," she sighs, as if this happens all the time- which it probably does. As she scrolls through all of the formal dresses, I notice a second tab on her computer that reads Malibu Preparatory School on it.

"What's that for?" I ask as I point to it.

"Oh!" She exclaims as she clicks opens the tab. Immediately, the website shows a tall, red brick building that reads Malibu Preparatory School in golden letters on the front. It's surrounded by a large, manicured lawn with a sidewalk outlined in red roses leading to the doors. The whole grounds are surrounded by a tall, black, metal fence with an open gate leading to the entrance.

This place is the definition of snoddy.

"Since you have to be enrolled in school, we thought that this place would be a nice fit," Pepper tells me. "What do you think?"

"It looks great!" I half lie. Sure,  it looks like a nice school, but I can't begin to imagine me fitting in there.

"Awesome. You'll probably start sometime next week," she explains to me.

"Okay!" I reply. I turn around and walk up the stairs to my bedroom.

"Jarvis, pull up information on 'Malibu Preparatory School' for me" I say as I close the door. "-Please." I add. I sit down on my bed.

"Yes, ma'am." he replies to me. On the far glass wall overlooking the ocean, I see images of fake smiles on fake students standing in front of the school. I see lists of extra curricular activities that 'MPS' has to offer, one of which being the 'Junior Engineering course'. At least that'll be cool. Accompanied by that is the school handbook. As I skim through the rules, I see 'All students must be in uniform at ALL times unless a valid excuse is approved.'

Great. Uniforms, too! This place couldn't get any better!

I glance at the time. 10:41. "Okay, thanks bud. I'm done." I tell Jarvis. I'll look at it more tomorrow. The bright white lights of the screen turns off, leaving only my bedside lamp on. I reach over and turn it off. Without bothering to change into pajamas, lay down, and think about my soon-to-be new school. However, after about an hour of thinking about worst case scenarios, I feel myself slowly drift into sleep.

Anyone want to make me a new cover for this story?  If so, message me please!  I'll make sure to give you credit, don't worry; )

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