Chapter Seven

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First of all, I'd like to thank all of you guys. You've been supporting me through this story, and it means the world to me. I love you guys!

The next morning, I walk downstairs, blinded by the sudden rush of light that hasn't given my eyes a chance to adjust from the darkness of my room. I go into the living room to find three suitcases strawn all over the floor, all half empty with unfolded clothes and shoes.

"Pepper?" I yell, confused. 

"Yeah?" I hear her yell from upstairs.

"What's with the suitcases?" I question.

At this point, she's walking down the stairs holding a new bundle of Tony's shirts.

"Tony needs to go to New York for an emergency Avengers thing." She says, out of breath. I've heard of the Avengers on TV before. They fought in the Battle of New York, when all of those aliens attacked.

"Are we going, too?" I ask.

"Yep," she says, popping the 'P'. She seems annoyed. She heads back upstairs.

I want to ask why,  but decide to leave the issue alone. I walk over to Pepper's suitcase, and start folding the clothes for her. I do the same to mine and Tony's. I wonder what this "emergency avengers meeting" is about.

"Where's Tony?" I yell. I don't get a response, so I walk upstairs, and gather my toiletries from my bathroom. I find a light blue bag to put them in, and then walk downstairs to put them in my suitcase. After that, I walk upstairs to Tony and Pepper's bedroom.

Pepper is running around, taking clothes out of drawers and making a pile of them on the king sized bed. I walk to the pile and start folding them for her.

"Thanks," I hear her mutter, out of breath.

"Where's Tony?" I ask again. She stops and turns around.

"I don't even know!" She laughs. "Probably in the lab," she concludes. "Could you find him?"

"Sure! " I say. After I finish folding the clothes, I walk downstairs and put them in the suitcases. Then, I walk downstairs to the lab, where I find Tony working on one of his cars.

"Pepper's looking for you, " I say as I set my stuff down on a nearby table.

"Yeah, okay..." he says. I doubt he's listening. I walk over to the extravagant speakers. Looking for the on button, I turn the volume up all the way, and turn it on.

Tony jumps, nearly falling out of his seat, and shoots me a look. I'm laughing too hard to respond. I repeat myself. "Pepper wants you."

"Yeah, I got the message." He responds. I go back upstairs, and see that all three suitcases are packed and ready to go.

"That was quick!" I say. I'm excited. This will be my first trip to New York! Well, this will be my first time on a plane ever.

My palms are sweaty. My knees are shaking. I can't seem to take my mind off of the thought of crashing. What if the engine fails? What if everything just shuts down? What if the pilot spontaneously has a heart attack?

"You okay, kid?" Tony interrupts my thoughts from his seat in front of me.

"Yeah..." I say hesitantly. "This is my first time flying."

Tony laughs. "It's fine. We've got the best pilot like, ever," he says from the seat behind me on the luxurious private jetp. He leans forward to whisper something in my ear. "But if we go down, It's every man for himself. You're on your own. " I shoot him a look.

"How long are we going to be in New York?" I ask both Tony and Pepper. I need to change the subject.

"About a week," Tony tells me. "Shouldn't take too long."

"What about school?" I ask Pepper, not bothering to act like I'm excited about 'Malibu Prep'. "You said I start next week."

"We'll have to delay that a little bit." Pepper says, with slight sadness in her voice. "Maybe three weeks?"

I nod. We sit in silence for most of the trip. We were served refreshments, and lunch when we wanted it.

After a while, I'm told to make sure my seatbelt is tightened, and I feel the plane start to tip downwards as we land.

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