Chapter Eight

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Around five O' clock in the afternoon, we land on a private runway just outside of New York City. As we exit out of the plane, I notice the distant smell of smoke, along with Tony's grease-soaked hamburger. When he sees me eyeing it, he hold it up innocently.

"What? You want a bite?" He questions. I shrug and shake my head. Happy picks us up in a slick black BMW, and we load our stuff inside of the trunk.

"When did you get here, Happy?" Tony asks.

"Yesterday," he responds. Tony gives a 'hmm' in response. Not very interested in their conversation, I turn my head to gaze out the window, and slowly feel my eyes start to shut.


"Eliza? Eliza!" I hear Pepper whisper into my ear. I feel her softly shake my shoulder. "We're here..." I open my eyes, and am greeted by a burst of sunlight through the sunroof. I shut them again, not willing to adjust my eyes to the light. She helps my groggy self out of the car and into the cigarette smelling air of New York City. I look up to see Stark Tower towering above me, with the name STARK sparkling know the sunlight. I pick up my bag and start to walk inside, where I am greeted by not-very-well-hidden security cameras. Tony is ahead of me, and stops to turn and face Pepper and I before getting on the elevators.

We ride the elevator up to the 31st floor, almost to the top (I read the elevator buttons, and there are 45 floors.) When we arrive, Happy carries our suitcases into a wide open living room, and just when I'm about to get situated...

"Eliza, go to your room, which is the fourth room on the right, and shut and lock the door. The Avengers, along with the eyepatch guy, will be here soon, and I'm "not allowed to have anyone with me."' He tells me in a hushed voice.

"Am I allowed to eavesdrop?" I ask him with the best puppy dogs eyes I can muster up.

"If you don't get caught." He tells mewith a wink and a smile. I return the smile, and then walk to my room. It's painted ivory, and has a large king bed in the middle of it. It has a bathroom and a closet, yet to be filled with clothes. The armoire to the left of the bed is empty, but there's a TV on the opposite wall. I sit down on the bed and watch "Doctor Who". I'm on the brink of falling asleep when I hear the doorbell ring, followed by Tony telling JARVIS to let them in from his spot on the couch.

I hear six heavy footsteps, walking slowly at first, and then quickening their pace.

"Stark," says a loud voice.

"Yes dear?" He replies. I can almost hear the other guy rolling his eyes.

"Glad to have you here." The man replies.

"That's funny because, last time I checked, we're in my tower, right? Or do you just own everything you touch, Fury?" Tony replies back to him, smugness in his voice. So the man must be Nick Fury. I've heard some of Tony's phone calls to the man. They aren't what you would call pleasant.

"Stark, can we please get to work here?" A calmer, yet manly voice asks. I recognize the voice as Steve Rogers. He was all over the news a few years ago.

After a long sigh, Tony says. "Sure, cap." With the slightest edge in his voice. "Anyone want a drink?" After getting no reply, I hear the clink of a glass, telling me that he got one for himself.

"Okay, so let's lay down what we have, shall we?" Another voice asks.

"Six hostages, four gunmen, twenty guards, and on top of them all, Mr. Gerard Martnik." A different voice tells everyone. This one is a woman; I assume it's Natasha Romonoff. I hear the soft clack of a file hitting the table.

"Yeah, yeah. Great stuff. But why do you need the avengers in on it? It's not exactly an earth threatening disaster."

"Mr. Martnik seems to have SHEILD wrapped around his finger," Fury says. "And we need to make sure that the situation doesn't get out of hand."

"Yes, but why not just send the two lovebirds over there?" Tony questions. I can almost hear the tension. I wonder who the "lovebirds" are. "Why the whole team?"

"Call it insurance," Fury says. After a long silence and a few sarcastic sighs from Tony, Natasha speaks up again.

"So, let's get a move on, shall we?"

"What, right now?" Steve questions. 

"Now is as good a time as ever, we can take them by surprise." A new voice speaks up.

"I'm with Clint on this one." Says Bruce.

"Okay, then." Steve says after a short, silent pause. "Suit up, everyone."
Around 3 in the morning, I hear Tony stumble back into the tower. I hear the loud clanks of the metal suit he wears, followed by Pepper waking up and telling him to be quiet. An hour later, the house is quiet again.

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