Chapter Ten

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Eliza's POV

Today is the day that we are planning to return back home to Malibu. We all seem to be ready, too, especially Tony. I don't think he could take anymore of random visits from S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. He had a fit of swears the last time it happened.

With all of our bags already packed, JARVIS tunes into the pilot to see when the jet will be ready. I breathe a sigh of relief. Not to go on the jet, rather to be home. We had to stay here almost two weeks longer than we were planning, and I was running out of clean clothes. Not that there was any shortage of anything here. 

The jet is ready, so we get in the limo, and Tony asks Happy to play some AC/DC. 

"So, Eliza, how'd you like New York?" Pepper asks me. 

I'm not exactly sure how to answer it, since I didn't really leave the house. "It was fun!" She smiles back at me, and I'm worried that she can see right through my lie. 

After about ten minutes have passed, we reach the jet. Here we go again...


Of course, the jet has wifi, so I just watch Netflix for most of the time to take my mind off of things. Like the likelihood of a crash, for example. Luckily, It's a relatively short flight. 

Suddenly, I hear the phone ring. I think it's mine, but then I remember that I have no friends in Malibu - or know anyone, for that matter. Tony reaches into his pocket and pulls out a thin, glass phone, and then walks into the other compartment of the plane. I hear a barely audible ,"Hey,'s not really a good time..." but then decide to put my headphones back in.

After we get home, Pepper helps me try on my uniform. You know, because I start school tomorrow. The only good coming out of it is that I get to take an advanced engineering course.


JARVIS wakes me up at 6 a.m. sharp, just like I asked him to. I roll out of my bed with my comforter wrapped around me burrito-style. I go into my bathroom and put on makeup. I feel like I'm not doing it right, mainly because the only makeup I've ever worn is mascara. But after about half an hour, I get it to look alright, so I go with it. After that, I pull my messy hair into a side braid, but then decide to just leave it down and curl it.

When I've finished my hair and makeup, I put on the uniform. It includes a blue and black plaid skirt, which I have to pull up so that it doesn't go all the way to my knees. Along with that is a white collared shirt with the school emblem. It comes with an optional blazer, and I wear my white converse with it.

I walk downstairs to find Pepper setting out a bowl of cereal, which I assumed was for her, but she hands it to me.

"So, first day of new school, are you ready?" She asks.

"Um, yeah.. a little nervous." I tell her with a a laugh.

"Oh, please, you'll do great!" she reassures me.

"Thanks," I tell her with a smile. "Is Tony not up this morning?" 

"No, he had kind of a late night last night." 

I nod. I had heard him in the lab before I went to bed, and that was at one in the morning.

"Well, we should get going, we don't wanna be late!" Pepper tells me excitedly.


Within ten minutes, were parked at the gates of Malibu Prep. Pepper asks me if she wants her to walk in with me, but I tell her I'm fine. With one last wave, she pulls out and drives away in a black sports car.

I walk into the large, wooden doors and look around. It looks old, almost like it's out of a storybook. I look to my right and see a beautiful office. I walk in and see an older woman, about 60, with a bun in her hair and black glasses.

"Can I help you?" she asks me nicely.

"Umm, yeah... today's my first day." I say awkwardly.

"Oh, that's wonderful dear! Name?" she turns to her computer, which looks new and high tech, although it's nothing compared to Tony's.

"Eliza". I say, not thinking about how she would most likely need to know my last name as well.

"Well, I'm Mrs. Doal. But I need your full name, sweetheart" She chuckles.

"Oh, um..." What did Pepper say? Johnson or Stark? "Stark."

After a few clicks and scrolls, my name, I.D., and some other things pull up. "Alright..." Mrs. Doab says. She hands me several stacks of paper, including the school handbook, my schedule, and locker number with it's combination. Along with a lot of other things, of course. "Here you go. If you have any questions, I'll be here. Welcome to Malibu Prep!" She says with a smile.

I walk out of the doors and into the packed hallway. Here we go.

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