Chapter Eleven

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The hallway is crowded and overwhelming. I want to turn back, but know that it is far too late now. I look through the series of information that Mrs. Doab gave to me, and eventually find my locker number and its combination. I slowly make my way through the mass of students trying to get to their next class. After walking for what seems like forever, I find it. Locker 908.

I fumble with the combination lock, and finally get it opened after a few tries. Then, I place my new textbooks, notebooks, and pencils into it and pull out my schedule. If this is second period, it looks like I have... Geometry. Lovely. I reach into my locker and pull out the bright blue textbook and a notebook with a pencil, and then am on my way to find room 106.

After looking for almost fifteen minutes, I find it. When I reach the door, I hesitate. Eventually, though, I pull open the door handle, and find twenty pair of eyes gaze over me.

"Uh, I'm new. Eliza Stark?" I tell the elderly teacher timidly.

"Yes! Of course! Class, this is Eliza." She announces to the room with a sweet smile. I awkwardly smile back and take a seat near the back. However, it doesn't do much to help me disappear. Once everyone heard the name Stark, I was doomed.

The boy to my left has blonde hair that goes well with his tan skin. It seems as if he can't The boy to my right has dark blonde hair that goes well with his tan skin. When he meets my gaze, I see his bright green eyes hidden behind dark glasses.

"Hey. I'm Lincoln," He tells me. He pauses. "Sorry, I have to ask, Stark as in the Stark? Tony Stark? Iron Man? Big red suit?" He chuckles.

"Yeah, that Stark..." I chuckle back. He looks nervous. Probably not as nervous as I am, though.

"What, are you his niece?"

"I'm his kid." I say bluntly.

"Ms. Stark, Mr. Hughs, if you could please quiet down, I'm sure the rest of us would appreciate it!" The teacher scolds us, and we exchange a quick glance and a chuckle before ducking our heads down to do the assignment. Which, by the way, I learned how to do when I was four.


The bell rings, and twenty students rush into the hallway that was clearly not meant to hold this many students. I'm about to turn to leave when a hand on my arm stops me. I turn to see the green eyed Lincoln.

"Hey, so I know this is kinda soon, but you're new, so maybe... I don't know... Well, do you wanna sit with me at lunch? I'll be in the courtyard, If you want." I looks down as he talks, like he lacks the confidence to ask.

"I'd love to." I give his arm a reassuring pat, and then go to my locker. He doesn't seem too bad.


After the dismissing bell rings, I quickly dash to my locker and grab my homework that I need to take home. I then run out to the entrance. After searching the parking lot, I find Tony waiting in a flashy, red Ferrari.

"Wow. Subtle." I tell him as I climb into the passenger seat.

"Well, I was gonna go for a magic school bus, but it was taken, so-" He's cut off my a tapping on my window. I quickly roll it down to see a soaked Lincoln trying to use his jacket to cover himself from the rain.

"Hey, Eliza. I just wanna let you know I had a great time... At lunch... It was just... You know, really fun" He looks so uncomfortable. I don't think that he thought this through, and it's clear when he looks into the car to see Tony peering at him. "I should go." He says, and he looks ready to bolt.

"I had fun too!" I yell at him as he runs back into the building to avoid the rain. I chuckle.  I turn to see Tony, who just whistles and turns into the highway.

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