chapter 16: shut up hemmings

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Evelyn's POV:


The voice was so loud, followed by little giggles.

I could tell there were at least four figures in the room. The same four figures I knew all too well.

"Shut up hemmings, were up!"  Riley yelled back.

I knew it was Luke who yelled. Ugh I'm going to kill him later.

"Sorry but you guys have to get up and be ready in 20 minutes!"  He yelled back.

Only 20 minutes! Wow, we really slept in.

I got up and rubbed my eyes, slowly blinking them to adjust to the lighting around me.

The sun brightened up the entire room, making everything more vivid. I looked out the window to see beautiful green grass and a clear blue sky.

Australia truly is beautiful. Its just too bad that we will have to be inside an arena and office the entire day.

My body creaked as I turned over to look at me phone.


Wow. We really did have to leave in 20 minutes. Since the arena thing was more than half an hour away, we planned to leave after 11.

I slowly stretched and stood up. My bed was now a mess and so I took 5 minutes making it again.

Once my sleeping area was neat, I grabbed an outfit, my toothbrush, toothpaste, face wash, hair brush and makeup bag from my suitcase and headed to the bathroom.

I locked the door and looked in the mirror. My hair had fallen all over the place and out of its bun. I ran my brush through it, wincing at the small tugs of pain it caused on my head.

Once I was done, I put it up into a pony tail and messed it up a bit until I liked the look of it. I then grabbed my outfit, which consisted of black jeans and a white t-shirt, and put it on.

Now its time to do my face.

I grabbed my toothbrush and squirted some toothepaste onto it. I started to circle the brush all around my teeth.

After what felt like forever, I rinsed my mouth and washed my brush. I put those away and grabbed my makeup.

I didn't want to put too much on today, so mascara, a bit of foundation and lip balm would have to do.

Once I was finished, I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled before taking a glance at my phone.


I finished just in time.

I stepped out, finding Jack adjusting his snapback and Riley scrolling through her phone wearing high waste shorts, a blue tank top and white converse. She also had a black beanie resting at the back of her head, while her red and pink hair flower down her back under it.

"Where's the hat from Rye?"  I asked while putting my things in my bag.

"Oh, Calum let me borrow it. I think it looks good with my outfit. Don't you?"  She quickly spun in front of me, showing off what she had on.

"Yeah its perfect. Speaking of Calum, we need to talk."  I paused as Michael walked into the room.

"But we can talk about it later."  I whispered to her, causing her to blush and quickly nod her head.

I think she knows what I want to talk about.

"Hey guys. The drivers here. They have a van that can fit all of us. You ready?"  Michael asked, glancing at the three of us.

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