no one probably cares but.....

126 7 23

Ok so I have been tagged to do this 13 challenge thing. So I have to first say 13 facts about myself, answer the questions that the person who tagged me asked and then tag 13 more people to do it.

Here we go-----

13 facts about me:

1- My first name is Sofia
2- I am the biggest Luke girl, but I also love Mikey Cal and Ash so much
3- I'm am really awkward when it comes to making conversation with people....unless your my beat friend
4- I hate Hawaiian pizza
5- I am not allergic to anything
6- My favourite TV show is Pretty Little Liars
7- I have two brothers. One older, one younger.
8- I am 13 years old (only a fetus child)
9- No one in my family knows that I have wattpad and that I write on it
10- I would love to make a YouTube channel one day
11- I am absolutely scared for highschool
12- My favorite boy band is either 1D, the backstreet boys or NSYNC
13- I'm so sick of waiting till I'm 18

Ok now these are the questions that lukeythehemmings asked me....

What's your star sign?
I'm a Gemini

Favourite song at the moment?
Probably Faded by Alan Walker, Outer space/Carry on by 5sos or 7 years...I forgot who that's by

What is your most precious memory?
Probably my first concert (1D and 5sos opened for them) or anything that has to do with family gatherings

What do you do when your sad?
I listen to music, watch compilations of 5sos keeks and videos, and I talk to my best friend and hopefully laugh about it in the end

Winter or Summer?
Well, winter sucks in general and living in Canada doesn't help, so I have to say Summer all the way

What's your favorite colour?
Baby blue, black and dark purple

Favorite animal?
I adore penguins, owls and bears

Are you currently in love?
In love with 5sos, yes. In love with anyone else, well I wouldn't call it love but I do feel something for someone....not saying who

Favorite book?
On wattpad, there are a lot but I love The Stepbrother, Two worlds, Tears, Choose, Drunk Words Are Sober Thoughts, Neon, Heartbreak Girl, Broken Home and Psycho Sitter. But my favourite book outside of wattpad is probably The Outsiders or The Fault In Our Stars.

What's your biggest dream?
To be successful in life....... And to meet 5sos

Do you like yourself?
Well, that's a yes and a no... There are certain things I like and certain things I don't

Have you ever had your heart broken by someone?
Not that I can think of.... I've never been in a relationship. But I have gotten my feelings hurt

Ice cream or chocolate?
Probably ice cream

Well, there you have it!

Now heres my questions for the people I'm gonna tag:

1- favorite animal?
2- favorite colour?
3- have you ever met your fav celebrity?
4- star sign?
5- skinny jeans or sweatpants?
6- skirts or dresses?
7- favourite book on wattpad?
8- favourite TV show at the moment?
9- how old are you?
10- any random fact about you
11- favorite food?
12- favourote song?
13- what colour is your hair?

People to answer the questions:


Good luck!!

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