Andy: you need him, I could be him

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"Andy! Where did you put my guitar?" Joe yelled from the tour bus, Fall out Boy was out on tour and they invited you to come with them, you immediately accepted and you were supposed to be Andy's music adviser but he declined and you were disappointed, "it should be on Pete's room somewhere!" Andy shouted from outside the tour Bus, they were supposed to be inside the building they parked next to like ten minutes ago "Joe hurry, we need to speak with the judges before rehearsal" Patrick yelled, Joe nodded then headed to the kitchen in the bus, you were in there looking for a snack, you noticed Joe then smiled.

"Y/N, we are in a hurry, in Pete's room my guitar is in there, could you get it for me please?" Joe pleaded, you sighed then nodded "thanks, I'll be in the auditorium helping set up" he smiled then ran out the door, the others running with him, you stood there and thought, were you allowed in Pete's room? Only one way to find out.

You entered his room and saw lots of records on his desk, and a picture of him, his wife and kids, you smiled at the photo, he must miss them. You looked around and saw a guitar with joes name signed on it, you grabbed it and ran to the stadium, fans of fall out Boy watching you hold his guitar smiled at you, you kept running knowing they wouldn't be able to perform cause of you, once you were inside you ran towards the stage, you went backstage and found Joe talking to a judge, he looked disappointed, you walked towards him and handed his guitar, he smiled and grabbed it " and who is this?" The judge asked, you smiled and introduced yourself, but the judge looked annoyed then left, Andy came towards you and smiled "don't worry, judges are always like that" he chuckled and you shrugged "I can tell" you laughed.

You hate to admit it but, the way Andy smiled at you, made a swarm of butterflies scrimmage around in your stomach, you realized you were staring at him and you cleared your throat "s-sorry, you reminded me of someone in my family..." You rubbed the back of your neck sheepishly, he nodded and headed back to his judge.

Pete walked in and smiled at you "Y/N, we need you out there" he strongly said, you were frightened, you and Pete didn't really get along but this sounded urgent "we need you to clean the stage for us, oh and make sure the merchandise arrives" he said before heading out with the boys, I change my mind, this wasn't that urgent. You got a broom and went to work.

Three hours past and everything that Pete said, you did, but you were tired a bit, Andy walked towards you and sighed "did Pete tell you to do this?" He asked, you nodded and Andy looked disappointed " he just wanted you to help I guess, he should know that we don't need it, your here to just hang out and all I guess" he shrugged then left, does he not like the idea of you helping him? Somethings up...

Backstage they started rehearsal, a crowd of people sat down in the seats out with the stage and waited. You sat down and watched, Patrick started to sing centuries and his voice sprung out from Patrick, to an angel, you danced calmly to the song and you heard a different voice, you looked up and the music stopped, Andy was singing and... It was OK, I guess, you forced a smile and the others did the same, "that was... Amazing Andy.. Makes me want to hire you as lead singer hehe.." Patrick stuttered "seriously?" Pete said and Patrick glared at him, Andy chuckled "I'm no singer, I just felt the music inside of me so I sang I guess" he smiled.

Rehearsal played again and pete was playing a part that made him look like a king, you smiled and jammed into his bass solo, then the music stopped, "dude what the heck!" Pete growled, Andy took his bass and started playing it, you were shocked, "Andy what are you doing? They were rehearsing and so should you, on your drums" you said calmly as you can, he have Pete his bass and headed back, "sorry, I just know that you enjoyed it so much and I wanted to feel special like that.. " he sighed, you felt bad " Andy,your part is more important, you have the beat, now that is special, without you the band wouldn't be perfect " you smiled, and Pete growled, he smiled back and the judges called them back out for the stage, they left and Andy gave you a hug before he left, and you blushed, they started to perform. In the middle of their first song and had a solo and he rocked it, you danced to it and he noticed, then he smiled to the crowd and played with more pride, you loved it. Once the concert was over Andy went to you "thanks for the love out there" he smiled, "oh, don't thank me, thank them" you smiled pointing to the crowd, he nodded "I needed my Andy to be himself and feel confident out there" you said, he nodded again "you need me to be myself, I will be myself for now on, I promise, no more trying to be others" he chuckled.

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