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cutiepiezayn: Justin?

cutiepiezayn: hey?

cutiepiezayn: Justin please answer.

cutiepiezayn: Justin, please. Just, please.

swaggyjustin: what happened?

cutiepiezayn: can you call me? Please?

swaggyjustin: what happened?

cutiepiezayn: just call me, please!

Justin immediately calls Zayn, soon after Zayn answers.

"J-justin? I-is that y-you?" Justin could hear the small sobs that Zayn desperately tried to keep muffled.

"Yes, baby it's me. Now please calm down and tell me what happened." Justin said in a soothing voice.

Justin could hear Zayn breathing calmly. They stayed like that for a while, just listening to each others breathing. Then Justin suddenly asked Zayn,

"Zayn, baby what happened?" Zayn suddenly began breathing faster.

"Zayn, baby. Please calm down." "O-okay. So Sahid and I went to his flat to watch some movies. It all went okay but he started to get a little handsy. I told him I didn't want to but he kept saying that we're gonna have some fun but I said n-no! He k-kept tou-ch-ching me and I thought this w-was going to e-end bad b-but thankfully Liam instantly had come up to check o-on me because I was late. He saw that Sahid was on top of me so he threw him off." At the end Zayn was a hiccuping mess.

"Zayn, I know this is random at the time but, do you want to meet?" Justin bit his lip, nervous for Zayn's response.

"Of, course."

This chapter was 245 words long, without counting this of course.

What do you think about Zustin meeting?

Peaceskies :)
-Jackie :P.

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