T w e n t y S i x

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cutiepiezayn: my ass hurts.

cutiepiezayn: and my hips are a little sore.

cutiepiezayn: and Liam keeps on poking one of the 6382919 hickeys you made.

cutiepiezayn: but anyways that's besides the point.

cutiepiezayn: I know you're in a plane going to NYC for a little while.

cutiepiezayn: and I know I should wait to tell you face to face but I can't wait. I have to tell you right now.

cutiepiezayn: I love you.

cutiepiezayn: I love how you took care of me after last night.

cutiepiezayn: I love the cute little frown you had yesterday when I couldn't stand up.

cutiepiezayn: I love the little lazy smile on your face when you woke me up.

cutiepiezayn: I just realized that I'm in love with you and all your little things.

So I just had this little thing in my mind. This story is almost at an ending, like 4 or five chapters left. Don't worry there will be a sequel, I already have things planned out, I just need a cover and a title.

Question: What's your fav sport?

Answer: Softball


Peaceskies :3
-Jackie :P.

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