T w e n t y T h r e e

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Zayn knocked on Justin's door eagerly. He was worried about Justin because he was not making any dirty remarks in their conversation. Justin opened the door and just held the door for Zayn to come in.

Zayn got inside and just left his bag on the floor and went to the living room where Justin was entering. He saw Justin sit down with a sad look on his face. Zayn knew what to do, he held his arms open for Justin.

Justin saw Zayn's opened arms and immediately launched himself into them.

Zayn just held Justin as Justin let a few tears slip from his eyes. They stood like that until Zayn murmured in Justin's ear,

"Let's go sit down babe."

Justin nodded and sat down and pulled Zayn on his lap. He buried his head in the crook of Zayn's neck as Zayn wrapped his legs around his waist so he would be more comfortable.

"So, you wanna talk about it babe?" Zayn asks Justin after a few minutes of silence.

Justin just shook his head no and snuggled deeper in Zayn's neck.

Zayn sighed and just started playing with Justin's dyed blond hair. Justin sighed in content because the sensation made him relaxed.

Zayn smiled because since he arrived Justin had been so stiff that he was happy he was relaxing.

"Do you wanna watch a movie?" Zayn asked Justin. Justin nodded and hugged Zayn tighter.

Zayn started to wiggle out of Justin's embrace since he had to put a movie on. Justin whined because he didn't want to let Zayn go and just held him tighter.

"Justin" Zayn sighed. Justin whined again but reluctantly let go of Zayn. Zayn smiled, patted Justin's hair, and said in a cooing tone, "There you go." Justin just grumbled and crossed his arms facing away from Zayn.

Zayn sighed. "Aww, c'mon. You can't be that upset." Justin made a little 'hmf' sound and still faced away from Zayn.

Zayn just shook his head and went to put on the movie. He sat down on the opposite end of the couch to see how Justin reacted. He saw how Justin furrowed his eyebrows and looked at him with a look that looked like you killed his puppy in front of him.

Zayn pretended not to see the look and kept his face stoic but on the inside he was dying because that looked was a horrible thing to experience, especially if it's directed to you.

He turned to look at Justin again and saw the same look. He sighed in defeat and opened his arms for Justin to crawl into them. Justin smiled so wide and just launched himself and just stayed there.

Zayn rolled his eyes with a fond smile on his face and mumbled "bipolar little shit."

That was legit 467 words long and it was filled with fluff ;-;. Idk what got into me but I just wanted to write fluff. Don't worry dirty Justin will be back later y'all.

Question: Niam or nah?

Answer: Nope, just for story purposes.


Peaceskies :D
-Jackie :P.

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