T h i r t y F o u r

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"Awwe, look at those two." Was the thing that Justin and Zayn woke up to.

Zayn just groaned and threw a pillow at the direction of the voice.

Justin whined and brought Zayn to his chest again, "fuck off." He mumbled.

Liam just chuckled and said, "no can do guys, Niall is coming over and I need you to leave the house so we can have some alone time, if you know what I mean."

Those words couldn't have made those two get up faster.

"Stupid Liam that can keep his stupid dick inside his pants." Zayn grumbled as they were going to Justin's house, it being 2 hours away from Zayn's.

"Don't be grouchy, princess. Why don't we stop by for some breakfast then you can sleep the rest of the car ride, hmm?" Justin asked with a chuckle.

"Yes please. Can we please go to McDonalds. I've been wanting their caramel frappé with sausage biscuits." Zayn answers while licking his lips at the thought of food.

Justin just chuckled and made a turn that eventually led to a nearby McDonalds.

He sped in the drive thru seeing as none of them wanted to get off.

"Hello welcome to McDonalds, may I have your order?" The attendee asked.

"Uh yeah can I have a large cup of coffee with three of sugar and three of cream and two bacon and egg biscuits and a two hash browns." He stated his order.

"And I would like to have a large caramel frappé with two sausage biscuits accompanied by two hash browns." Zayn said.

"Okay, will that be it?" The lady said.

"Yeah." Justin answered.

"Okay, just go to the next window and you'll be charged there."

Justin just sped up and stopped on the next window.

"Large coffee with three of cream and three of sugars, two bacon and egg biscuits, two sausage biscuits, a large caramel frappé and four hash browns?" The man on the other side of the window asks for confirmation.

"Yes." Justin says as he takes out his wallet, Zayn doing the same.

"Your total will be fifteen dollars with eighty nine cents."

Justin grabs the food and quickly hands the man a twenty.

"Justin." Zayn whined as he put his wallet back in his back pocket.

Justin just chuckled, grab the change and sped off.

"Get your food, princess. Don't need a grouch, yeah?" He asked with a smirk.

"Whatever you dork." Zayn mumbled as he grabbed a hash brown and immediately stuffed it in his mouth, moaning at the taste.

"Woah there, don't need you cumming all over my seats." Justin teased with a chuckle.

"Whatever, just drive."

Welp, hope you enjoyed this chapter! And is sausage made out of pork? Idk to be honest, and if it is, then just pretend it isn't because Zayn is very much Muslim in this book, I just don't know much about the religion only that they can't eat pork.

QOTC: What would you say if Zustin wanted to have a threesome with you?
Answer: I'll say no because I'll probably record them for a Zustin sex tape lol!

Peaceskies :D x.
-Jackie :P.

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