T h i r t e e n

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He clears his throat before huskily saying,

"Hello Zayn."

Zayn whips his head in the direction where it came from. He spots Justin and says,

"J-justin?" Justin opens his arms and says "In the flesh." Suddenly Zayn runs up to him and engulfs him in a hug. Justin wraps his strong arms around Zayn and twirls him around.

"Justin put me down!" Zayn squeals. Justin chuckles then puts him down. Zayn looks up at Justin through his big eyelashes and does something he never would've done in another occasion, he kisses Justin, hard.

Justin instantly responds and that was a start of a heavy make out session in a restroom. Since humans need air they separated after what seemed like minutes.

"Well," Justin started, "That was some type of hello." Zayn just blushes and kisses him on the cheek. Justin smiles fondly at him and so does Zayn. Suddenly they here banging on the door with someone saying,

"Open the damn door, me bladder is about t'give out!" Zayn eyes widen in surprise and he opens the door with a confused look on his face.

"Niall?" He asks when he sees the blond's face.

"Yeh, it's me no get out." He says as he pushes Zayn and Justin out and runs for the restroom.

"You know him?" Justin asks as they walk to a table.

"Yeah, he's my bestfriends boyfriend and one of my good friends."

"Well, he's my ex-boyfriend." Justin says nervously.

I'm so fucking sorry for this shit chapter! Oh, past Jiall? Comments if you want some smut, because I'm thinking of doing some.

Peaceskies :3
-Jackie :P.

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