F o r t y T h r e e

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"Who did this Niall?" Zayn asked as he looked at all the fairy lights.

When he didn't get a response he turned around but didn't see his best friend.


"Hey Zayn." Said a voice that always sent shivers down his spine.

"J-justin?" Zayn asked as he turned around and saw the Canadian in a red suit standing about twenty feet away from him looking very nervous.

"Do you like this?" Justin asked hopefully.

"Y-yeah. Did you do all this?"


"For me?" Zayn asked in astonishment.

"Yeah." Replied the Canadian rubbing the back of his neck.

"Why?" Zayn asked confused.

"I wanted to apologize for last night. I didn't mean to kiss Hailey! It was an accident!"

"Oh I know that. Liam explained everything." Zayn replied.

"S-so you aren't mad?" Justin asked hopefully.

"Of course not silly!" And with that Zayn launched himself at Justin and the other man wrapped his arms around the Pakistani 's small frame.

"I love you." Zayn said, though it sounded muffled due to his head being stuffed in Justin's chest.

"I love you too, princess." The Canadian responded.

"We're gonna be together forever, right?" Zayn asked and turned his face to look up at his lover.

"Forever and always, my dear."

fuck, this story just has the epilogue and it's completed, ah! i'm so sad to see it finish because this story is my baby <3.
anyways bye!

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