E l e v e n

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swaggyjustin: hey

cutiepiezayn: hey... :)

swaggyjustin: are u okay?

cutiepiezayn: yeah, just a bit shaken up.

swaggyjustin: so, when do you want us to meet?

swaggyjustin: only if you're up for it, of course.

cutiepiezayn: of course I'm up for it!

cutiepiezayn: and do you know In 'n Out burger on 44th ave? (I have no idea if these are real!)

swaggyjustin: Yeah!

cutiepiezayn: how about Saturday at 4:00pm?

swaggyjustin: you got it baby ;).

So, Zustin are finally gonna meet! Thanks for all of you who have read my stories!

Dedicated to all of you who are reading this! I'm going to start making dedications soon so...

Comments on Like I Would? I absolutely loved it

Peaceskies :3
-Jackie :P.

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