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Author's Note: Sorry this took so long to get out there, I've been swamped with school and writing these chapters takes a lot of time so yeah :) hopefully the next chapter will be out quicker

Finn is surprisingly punctual the next day. Charlie has been sat at his desk for the past five minutes, waiting for some sign that Finn has arrived.

But at exactly eleven Charlie hears his phone chime.

From: Finn

I'm downstairs loser, come meet me

From: Finn

Sorry for calling you a loser, it was a split second decision and I now realise the error of my ways

From: Finn

Seriously though come down, I look like a weirdo just standing around

Charlie resists the urge to type out a reply, to remind Finn that patience is an appreciated trait. Instead he grabs his jacket off the back of his chair, checks he has everything he needs for what seems like the thousandth time and then begins to make his way out of the door.

Finn is indeed waiting outside, looking casual as he leans against the stair railing.

Charlie rejects the smile his lips try to curve into as soon as he sees Finn, squashes those feelings right down. It's a lot easier if Charlie focuses on all the disadvantages.

Charlie can't like Finn because Finn is Matthew's best friend. He can't like Finn because Finn doesn't like him back. He can't like Finn because he doesn't like boys.

Finn is firmly off limits and Charlie just needs to make sure he reminds himself of that.

"You ready?"

"No I just decided to come down here for the hell of it," Charlie replies, sarcasm lacing his tone.

"I swear you weren't always this mean," Finn says, his tone lazy, "or maybe in my fantasies I just obliterated those memories."

Charlie knows that he shouldn't question it, but he can't stop himself.


"You didn't think it was just you thinking about me naked did you, it's a two way street Martin."

For a moment Charlie thinks Finn knows about what happened last night. And then he remembers the conversation from dinner and everything makes a little more sense. It doesn't stop him from stammering though; words always prove to be obstacles when Charlie spends time with Finn.

"I – well – I don't."

"Whatever you say."

Finn winks. Charlie blushes.

This seems to be how all of their conversations proceed. Finn jokes about them doing something sexual, Charlie tries to pretend he hasn't thought about it too. Finn always smirks or winks or just smiles with that knowing glimmer in his eyes and all Charlie can do is stammer and blush.

Finn must know the effect he has on the other boy.

"Anyway," Finn continues, "it's fine whether you do or you don't, just telling you that I'm totally down for anything."

Somehow Charlie's cheeks get redder and all he can do is stare at his shoes for a few moments before clearing his throat awkwardly, looking up and refusing to meet Finn's gaze. This is not how he wanted today to go.

"So uhm, the tour."

"Of course sweetie," Finn tells Charlie, "one tour, coming right up."

And then Finn turns away, urging Charlie after him with a tug on his sleeve, and the tour is underway.

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