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AT AGE SIXTEEN Charlie Martin has no idea who he really is. He spends his days pretending to be someone who's cool, who gets all the girls and couldn't care less about anything. He spends his nights lying awake and thinking of pressing his lips to another's boy's, of the boy he could be if only he had the courage to admit what he really wants.

AT AGE SIXTEEN Daniel Evans is out and proud. He spends his days rolling his eyes at those who can't understand that guys can likes guys too. Spends his nights trying not to think about all the little comments from his peers about how he's never going to be happy.

It's October, two years ago. The little cupcake shop on Main Street.


Charlie is pretty sure he has an addiction to cupcakes. After all he's been waiting in line for fifteen minutes so far and he still thinks it's worth it. It's also Wednesday and he's already been here five times this week, although that could be something to do with the cute boy from school who is always sat in the corner. The cupcakes are good, but the eye candy's even better.

Not that Charlie will ever make a move.

When the boy looks up, sweeping a strand of candyfloss pink hair out of his eyes, Charlie quickly looks away. He really does not want to be caught staring, Finn didn't seem to mind it but that doesn't mean this boy won't.

The other boy is standing up now, gathering his stuff and Charlie can't help but curse himself because it's probably his fault, he's probably scared the boy away.

Charlie knows he's being an idiot, knows that he should just say something to the boy, or at very least smile at him. But instead he dwells in thoughts of saying hello to him, of allowing himself the pleasure of running his hands through his hair.

No. Charlie shouldn't be having these thoughts. They're wrong. But they swirl around in his mind none the less.

Pulling out his phone Charlie opens up facebook, searching through his friends list until he finds a familiar face. His finger hovering over the message button, his thoughts tempting him with the prospect of what might happen if he says... something, anything really.

He stuffs his phone back in his pocket.

Daniel Evans. Charlie savours the name on his lips. He recognises it slightly, he's pretty sure Daniel is in some of his classes but he can't say he knows him personally. He's definitely cute though. Definitely someone Charlie wouldn't mind talking to, not that he'll ever work up the courage to do that though.

"What can I get you?"

Charlie's reached the front of the queue without realising it.

"A banoffee muffin," Charlie says, "toffee butter icing."

The cashier simply nods and quickly hands over the cupcake in a brown paper bag, Charlie quickly giving him the money.

Charlie glances at his watch, it's only four but he knows his Dad will be expecting him home soon and so he better hurry up unless he wants to start an interrogation. Charlie wouldn't describe his father as protective, more paranoid, determined not to let his son get into trouble of any kind. In the Martin household if you're home late it's because you're up to no good, when Matthew used to come late his Dad used to be convinced that it was because he'd been doing something with Finn, when Charlie comes home late he must have just been something with some boy.

But there's no harm in Charlie typing out a message, right? Just something to let Daniel know that he's noticed him. That would just be a friendly gesture. Right?

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