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It's Sunday Evening and Charlie is yet to leave his bed.

He hasn't eaten, he hasn't spoken to anyone; he's just laid there, cocooned in his duvet, typing out thousands of texts to Finn that he can't work up the courage to send.

All in all the day has been a lot more productive than Charlie thought it might be.

Charlie: Please Finn, I'm sorry

Charlie: I can explain

Charlie: Please just let me explain

Charlie: Please Finn, just please talk to me

They're all texts that Charlie knows he's never going to send.

There's a knock on the door but the person doesn't wait for Charlie to reply before opening it and stepping into the room.

"Well you're a sight for sore eyes," Eliza announces as she gives Charlie a quick once over.

Charlie doesn't bother to reply, simply burrows deeper into his duvet so that only his hair and eyes are peeking out of the top.

Eliza raises a single eyebrow.

"Seriously? You're just going to sit here and wallow because Finn isn't talking to you? I mean I knew you were whipped but now you just look kinda desperate."

Charlie frowns.

"You know about that?"

Charlie's voice is muffled by the duvet but he knows Eliza has heard him none the less.

"Of course I do. I'm his best friend, except maybe you but I'm gonna claim that we're tied, and actually apparently your brother too but I'll let that slide, so yes, I'm his best friend, of course he told me."

"All of it?"

"All of it."

"Why are you here then?"

"Because you're my friend too," Eliza says, as if it's obvious and Charlie is the biggest idiot on the planet (which he supposes, could be argued), "and while I get why Finn is pissed off, I am not. Mainly because I've seen the way you look at him and you can't fake that. And whilst I think you were a dick, that's in the past, and I'm sure you had your reasons, and even if you didn't, you're a changed person. Too many people refuse to give out second chances and then wonder why people don't bother to change."

"So you're giving me a second chance."

"Exactly. Hi, I'm Eliza, nice to meet you."


"Now while this has been a lovely first meeting I'm afraid I can't become friends with you if you're going to spend the rest of your life wrapped up like a burrito. Because I have certain levels of hygiene that I like my friends to meet and at the moment it doesn't look like you're gonna do it. So I'd appreciate it if you could get out of bed and get your life together."

"Get my life together." Charlie repeats slowly

"Yep," Eliza replies as if it's oh so simple, "usually I find that having a shower is a good start."


"Great! So you get a shower and put on some clothes – proper clothes, not pyjamas. And I'll go wait outside and then we can grab something to eat and figure out the plan of action."

"Plan of action?"

"For how you're going to get Finn back."

"How I'm going to get Finn back?"

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