Don't Touch Her

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Klaus' POV:

Ella smiled innocently at me and Hailey while trying to comb as much of whatever gunk was in her hair, out of it. I shook my head before my gaze landed on the boy laying on the floor behind her. My eyes slightly widened as realization dawned over me on who it was.

"Stefan Salvatore," I smirked taking a few steps forward, "the Ripper who went missing a few months back," I continued my small speech as he got up from the floor and wiped his messy hands on his jeans, "what brings you here? Especially around MY Ella." I stopped in front of him, ignoring Hailey as she stepped toward us, standing a few meters back from Ella.

Stefan smirked as I was and rolled his brown eyes. "Well, Klaus, the almighty hybrid, I was trapped in a safe in a waterfall, Ella, who by the way isn't yours, found me," he moved around me and stepped toward Ella. Before he could get to her, I was in front of him with my smirk still clearly visible.

A low growl emitted from the back of his throat as he tried to move around me, but I quickly moved to be in front of him. "No, no, Salvatore," I said lowly to where only he could hear me.

In a flash I was behind Ella, my arm around her waist, and her head tilted to the right giving me great access to her neck. I smirked at Stefan showing him my sharpened fangs and bent my head down slowly so the tips of my teeth were poking into the skin on her neck.

An unreadable emotion showed through his eyes as I did this, "Klaus you'll kill her!" He yelled urgently and I laughed humorously against her skin before completely sinking my fangs in, beginning to drink her blood.

Stefan's POV:

A small moan, barely audible, left Klaus' lips as he continued to drink furiously from her neck. Ella just stood there, eyes closed, letting Klaus hurt her. My eyes widened slightly and the girl behind them both rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her barely visible baby bump.

When Klaus pulled his head back he was smirking and a few droplets of Ella's cold blood, because she was dead, dripped from his mouth. Ella opened her eyes slowly and Klaus moved his arm from around her waist.

His gaze was on her a few seconds before he turned back to me and smirked again. "She's going to die Klaus!" I yelled my eyes moving from her as she lazily inspected her new wound and to Klaus who just smirked at me.

He shook his head and sighed, "No she won't. This isn't the first time I've bitten her, she seems.. immune." With a shrug of his shoulders he left the room slowly, crossing his hands behind his back as he did.

I quickly moved to be in front of Ella and raised my hand to her wound, wiping away some of her excess blood. "I'm gonna take a shower," Ella said moving away from me and smiling tiredly at the other girl before leaving the room. Her hand covering her wound the entire time.

I kept my gaze on her retreating back until she was far from few and turned back to the other girl, "She'll live, if you were wondering, immune just means he gives her his blood. He's been doing that with her for a while now. I've heard it's a weird sexual thing for vampires." She shrugged and sent me a small genuine smile.

A small nod came from me as I wiped more of the mix off my face. "There's another shower, down the hall, take a right, third door on the left," she moved over to the sink and turned the water on soaking a rag and beginning to wipe the counters off. "I'll deal with the kitchen."

I looked at her a few seconds before sighing; nodding my head again and turning to leave, "Thanks Stefan," I heard her whisper as I made it to the doorway.

While raising an eyebrow I turned back to her, "For what?"

A sigh left her lips this time as she turned to face me, "Klaus told me about how she use to be, she was always like she was when you two were throwing batter, flour, and all that at each other. She hadn't been like that since Kol.. past," her eyes dimmed slightly in sadness while speaking of Kol's death. "By the way, I'm Hailey, the women carrying Klaus' child," she rolled her eyes slightly and smiled a genuine smile at me.

Was she being serious about Ella?

Ella's POV:

I stepped out of the steaming shower back into my bathroom and sighed contently. My heart ached, even if it couldn't beat. I knew Kol was alive, but I hadn't seen him personally in a few months, maybe seven. He'd sent letters and pictures of him travelling the world. Always asking me if I wanted him to come back to see me soon. Kol was truly like a brother figure. Yes, Kol Mikealson, the cocky flirt bastard, was a genuine kindhearted brother to me. But I always told him to travel and enjoy himself. It's what he'd deserved. I didn't want to take that from him.

With a sigh I slipped into a lace red bra and matching underwear before throwing one of Kol's plain black V-necks on, no matter how big it was on me, and putting on yoga tights before leaving my room. Hair still wet slightly and no make up on.

While walking down the hall I grabbed a pink hair tie off my wrist and threw my hair up into a messy bun. I smiled to myself as the familiar scent of Kol invaded my nostrils and I stepped into the kitchen. Hailey was there, on her knees, scrubbing the last bit of mix from the floor.

A small sigh left my lips, "Hailey, I should be doing that, not you."

She just shook her head at me and finished cleaning it. "I'll be doing it a lot more once the baby is here any way," she said her accent slightly thicker than usual.

I smiled slightly and grabbed her hand helping her up. "Speaking of the baby, how far along are you?" I know I sounded over excited, but I couldn't have kids. I was jealous. I'd always wanted one son and one daughter. My son would be two years older and he'd protect his younger sister through everything. Because that's how Kol was with me.

And even though Klaus wouldn't say it, I know he wanted a child, specifically a girl named Nikolette. "Almost four now," she gave me a childish smile. She was really excited for the baby. Even if she knew he or she would be a handle.

"And once you're at five you'll be able to see what gender!" I yelled enthusiastically and fist pumped the air. She chuckled st my enthusiasm and turned to me again.


Within seconds I felt heat behind me and Hailey's eyes widened. "Klaus!" She yelled urgently taking a few steps back.

I'm sure confusion was etched onto my face as I looked at her. Klaus, and even Stefan, had both raced into the room, ending up side by side actually, and Stefan was shirtless, fresh from the shower.

"What is it?" I asked as Hailey was moved to be behind Klaus, by Klaus, and Stefan was giving whoever it was a hard glare as they stood behind me. "Don't touch her," Stefan growled his fangs becoming prominent as the veins under his darkening eyes grew.

Then it hit me. The strong scent of watermelons and blood. At first I'd thought it was just coming from the shirt I was wearing but them I realized it was too strong. This shirt had been washed a few times, it wasn't a strong scent any more, like it use to be.

I quickly turned around, a smile breaking out onto my face as I jumped and wrapped my arms around his neck, legs around his hips. "Kol!" I yelled happily as he stumbled back, steadying himself before wrapping his arms around my waist in a tight embrace.

But our brother/sister reuniting moment was ruined when Klaus piped up, "I thought you were dead, brother?"

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