Thats Not Him

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Mystic Falls, 1864-

"Brother!" I giggled as I rushed forward, my brother, Jacob, following me close behind. I turned my head slightly and smiled at him before bumping into something hard.

With a small groan, I forced my eyes up. In front of me was the Damon Salvatore and Katerina Petrova, a.k.a. Katherine Pierce. My brother came up behind me and bowed his head in a formal gesture. I courtsied.

"My apologies Sir Salvatore," I said and smiled at him and Katherine. The Salvatore family was high above mine, and so was Katherine's, so it was only nice to pay my respects to them.

Damon shook his head slightly, taking my hand and placing a soft kiss on it. "No need for the apologies, Miss Ellalynn." He smiled and my brother stepped up to be behind me.

He coughed and glared daggers at Damon. "Good day Damon," my brother said beginning to walk away. I smiled one last time at the only Salvatore I knew and his mistress before walking after my brother.

"I look forward to seeing you at the ball with my younger brother Ella!" Damon called after me. I looked at him over my shoulder and sighed as he had his back to me and was walking away with Katherine.

Too bad I didn't meet his brother, I died that night.

Chicago, 2013-

Slowly I felt myself begin to stir. My eyes causally fluttered open only to be hit with complete darkness again. Oh shit! Was I blind? I began to blink rapidly and feel my hands out forward, but they couldn't move.

A low chuckle made whatever I was attached to laugh, "No need to freak out El," I heard the casual voice of Stefan before slowly blinking again and moving my head upward to see him.

I sighed realising he was holding me bridal style. "Put me down Steffypoo, I can walk," he shook his head at me and smiled continuing to walk forward with me in his arms, "Why not?" I asked groaning.

He shrugged, "I don't want to," was his only reply before he slightly tightened his grip on me. I saw he still looked like he did last night. The blood, ruined hair, red eyes from the crying, everything the same.

"Stefan," I whispered and sped from his arms so I was standing in front of him.

With a wary look he replied, "Yes?"

I sighed. "You're a Ripper, aren't you?"

He nodded his head slightly, "That's what the blood does to me. I wish it wouldn't, but it does. It's.. I just, I can't control it," his voice got quieter each time he spoke.

Without hesitation my arms wrapped around his waist, "I've met a Ripper before, Stefan, he learned how to control it. You can learn."

I felt him shake his head without hugging me back, "I don't want to learn to control it, I don't want blood," he shoved me back forcefully as the veins in his eyes came to view.

My veins under my eyes grew and got darker as I growled at him. I really wasn't in the mood after last night. "And that's not my problem," I growled again and sped around him going as far as I could.

Let that asshole deal with it himself.

I mean really?

One second he was fine and the next he was pissed.

He must be high on blood, I thought and nodded my head as I slowed my pace slightly. Looking around I knew where I was, the surroundings were familiar. Still in Chicago, and not too far from Mary's apartment, if I may add.

Speedily I made it to the door of Mary's place. I made a fist and gently knocked on the wooden door. After a few thumps, probably her footsteps, the door came open.

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