Dead Ones

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Ella's POV:

Kol released me, slowly, after hearing his brothers question. A smirk was evident on his features as he looked at the shirt I was wearing before turning to Klaus, Stefan, and Hailey. Stefan kept a hard glare on Kol, same as Klaus, but Hailey stood there, looking as if she knew this was going to happen. I'd have to ask her about this later, when everything settled down.

"Well brother," Kol took a few strides toward Klaus until he was completely in front of him, causing Klaus to shove Hailey farther behind him, "I was quite frankly dead. But," he turned his gaze to Stefan, "Silas," what? "made a deal with me," he turned back to Klaus, "and I accepted graciously."

A low growl emitted from the back of Stefan's throat. Klaus and Kol just stood there; having a stare down. "What kind of deal, Kol?" Klaus finally asked.

I took a few steps forward ending up in front of Stefan and grabbed his upper bicep. He looked as if he was going to stab Kol with a white oak stake. But when his gaze landed on me, almost immediately his eyes softened. "C'mon, this is brother business," I whispered to where only he could hear, ignoring the fact he had no shirt and smelt of apples, and left the room, dragging him along with me.

After walking down a long Carmel hallway, and passing the shower( where his shirt was ) we made it to a plain white marble door. I let go of him and opened the door shuffling my feet to get inside of my room and smiled to myself resting on the creme colored silk sheets.

Everything in the room showed my personality. Paintings Klaus had made, some I had made, and one directly above my bed that we made together hanging around. A book shelf with all my favorite original Shakespeare copies lined upon it. The brown leather love seat pushed back into the wall on the right side of my room. Bean bags placed beside it, three of them, each on top of the other. Pictures of me throughout my life as a vampire lined up above the opening to my walk in closet. And my dresser( of make up, shoes, accessories, and undergarments ) shoved into the wall in front of my bed.

Stefan slowly walked on the black carpeted floor, making his way to my bed, while studying the room. I smiled slightly at him and sped to my closet, getting one of Kol's old tanktops and going back to Stefan, hoping it would fit him.

"Thanks," he said quietly and gripped the brown tanktop and turned around. I watched as his back muscles flexed. He probably knew I was watching, as from the corner of my eyes I saw him smirk. But quite frankly he was.. sexy.

As he turned back around I switched my gaze onto the dresser behind him and just stared at it. "So.." he began trying to ease into whatever he was going to say. I nodded for him to continue, "wanna explain to me Kol?"

I just at there, looking at him, Kol'd practically already explained it? What do I add? He barely even told me anything about it. With a simple shrug I laid flat on my bed, "Nothing to explain. He came back from the dead, he's really my only friend, or brother figure and that's it." Stefan looked slightly relieved and nodded before hesitantly laying beside me.

"Is he the only dead one that's come back?"

"I don't know, probably, Finn is worthless as it is."

"The other weren't killed while I was gone?" He asked with a small chuckle propping his hand up on his palm.

I turn on my side to face him and shake my head, "We're all dead ones Stefan, we just aren't corsping or rotting to just bones. But our hearts don't beat and we don't really breathe. Hell, I don't even know why we're called Vampires. We should be called Dead Ones, or Night Junkies," I chuckled at my second name choice and shook my head, "nevermind."

"Day Walkers, that's us," Stefan motioned towards both our daylight rings, "Night Crawlers, ones with these," he spun around his ring while looking at it intently, then his eyes met mine, "and we, together, are the Dead Ones." He nodded slightly and fixed his ring.

"Some of us just seem more dead then others.." I whispered thinking of how Stefan was when he was in Ripper mode. It wasn't the best look on him, but it was kind of hot?

Ugh, why am I thinking about him like this?

I need to stop! Now!

With a gruff sigh, I turned my thoughts back on Stefan. He plopped down onto his back and stared at the ceiling. One hand behind his head the other resting peacefully on his stomach, which had his abs. I bit my bottom lip trying to take my mind off that and studied the features on his face.

His lips curving slightly even as they were put in a line, perfectly light pink, they looked good, if I may admit. And the way his wet hair had perfectly dried and styled itself into a slightly upward position. The way his cheek bones curved into his chin, and the small dimple that would appear on the right side of his lips while he smiled, well when he did smile. And his eyes, the perfect shade of a deep brown, the way they shined in the right lighting. I could only imagine how amazing Stefan was as a human, probably more fascinating than he is as a vampire.

"You're staring," he murmured as his eyes went from sparkling and happy, to a plain brown, no humor or any other emotion in his eyes.

I rolled my eyes at him and poked the tip of his nose, "I'm gazing," I corrected and shot him a small grin hoping to make his eyes glisten again.

They did for a split second but as soon as they did, it disappeared and became glum again. "It's creepy." He stated, slight anger lacing his words as they got louder with each syllable.

"It's actually a very romantic gesture," with my extra strong senses I heard Stefan gulp.

He shook his head and sat up. The muscles in his back flexing with the movement. Damn him. "No it's not, just drop it ELENA." I raised my eyebrows and furrowed them together in confusion. Did he really just call me the name of one of his past lovers? I thought she was dead to him?

--- Sorry if it's short ---

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