Explanations with Warnings

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Ella's POV:

Slowly Stefan got up onto his feet and walked towards me, "Stefan, what happened?" I asked cautiously keeping my arms slightly in front of me, examining him closely. He had a small cut on his arm that was healing nicely and the blood stains only looked slightly wet. I silently hoped it was the impact that made those blood stains. But his bloodshot eyes disagreed with me.

He shrugged his shoulders and blinked a few times, "Nothing. I heard a noise outside my door, went to see if you were okay, you weren't there. Then I heard your car, I followed you for a few minutes until I smelt a girl. She tasted great," his eyes lit up and he licked his lips as if he were remembering the taste of her, I shuddered, "and then, you hit me with your car."

Stefan's bright red eyes caught my dull grey ones, and I froze in my spot. He took one small step closer to me, a smirk on his blood stained lips. "So, where are you off to so early, Ella?" My name rolled off his tongue like a foreign word and unfortunately, I liked that.

I stood there, just looking at the guy in front of me, or the monster right in front of me. I gulped and replied slowly, trying to calm him down, damn all that blood in his system, "I was just going to visit a friend, Stefan." I said his name like he'd said mine. And I swear I saw some spark set off in his eyes, until it disappeared quicker than what it'd came.

A small chuckle left his lips, "What 'friend'?" He put quotation marks around friend.

Stefan tilted his head toward the right and looked slightly like a small child, just creepier, "A friend, Stefan," I replied trying to keep my voice low and on the right key. I literally thought my voice was getting higher by each second because his appearance was slightly scaring me.

And it was like this at least once everyday since Kol came back. And it's been nine days. Yet I still wasn't use to it, how weird am I? Very, my subconscious replied snakily. I rolled my eyes at myself and came back to reality to see Stefan, gone.

With a sigh, I walked back over to my door and climbed in. Only to be startled when I sat on someone's lap. "God!" I screamed and jumped out of the car. My head whipped over to see Stefan sitting there. A satisfied smirk on his lips as he looked at me, still with those piercing red eyes.

I rolled my eyes yet again, "I told you I was driving El," did he seriously just call me El? He's got to be kidding. Only Kol calls me El and Stefan knows this.

"You're not driving!" I snapped and gripped his arm tightly, attempting to pull him out of the car. Which didn't do very much to help me. Damn blood strength.

"Why not?" He quirked an eyebrow at me, playing dumb. I could see the smile tugging on his lips and it was slightly pissing me off.

"You're not driving because you're going back home, Stefan, go!" I barked orders out at him and motioned back the way I'd came with my hand. He crossed his arms and shook his head. "Stefan, please, go, this is private." Very private..

Stefan got out of the car, and stood in front of me. He leaned down closer and closer, his eyes flickering to my lips once before he caught my gaze again, "I'll ride passenger side, okay?" He asked. His pupils getting bigger for a second.

"Okay.." I replied and he sped over to the other side, getting in like a normal human person, I got into the drivers side and started up the car again. I drove a few minutes, in complete silence, before I could I couldn't take it anymore and then I turned on the radio.

I could feel Stefan's gaze on me, but I ignored it, only looking at him from the corners of my eyes a few times, trying not to focus on his bright red irises. I'm seriously wondering if he lied about how much he.. drank. It really wouldn't surprise me. After what Klaus said yesterday I wouldn't be shocked. I shuddered at the memory.


"What do you mean you've used him?" Ella growled at Klaus, them being the only two in the house at the moment. Kol had left with Elijah and went to get meals. Rebekah and Haley went baby shopping. And no one, besides Klaus, knew where Stefan went as usual.

Klaus took a drink from his bourbon and shrugged his shoulders innocently. "I used him to help me hunt for werewolfs, so I could make hybrids, only one of them even survived and I have no control over him. But that's not the point."

Ella glared daggers at Klaus' back as he stared into the fire, drinking bourbon slowly, thinking of what he should tell the girl who he knew was falling for the Ripper. She just didn't want to admit it just yet. "Then what's the point NiKlaus?"

"He's a Ripper, Ella," Klaus said slowly causing Ella to roll her eyes.

"Yeah, I know, so what?" She snapped back, speeding over to be in front of him with her arms crossed.

"He's a Ripper, Ella. They feed and feed until they're satisfied, which leads to their victims body's ripping apart. I see the way you look at him, you know some if what he's been through, you know Silas looked him up for months, and you set him free." He paused letting his words settle in before continuing, "Silas will ruin you for it, he'll ruin Stefan as well. Stefan is a monster, a monster you shouldn't be protecting."

Ella didn't let any of that go to her head. She didn't completely believe what Klaus was saying, she knew the true Stefan. "That doesn't make a difference who he is, and I fucking dare Silas to come after me," Ella spat and turned to walk away.

While Klaus clenched his teeth, he threw his glass of bourbon at the wall, watching as the glass smashed and the liquid fell onto the carpet. He grabbed Ella's arm and turned her around forcefully.

"You saved him, when he shouldn't have been saved Ella. Silas will come after you for it and kill you just to get him back! And guess what? He will come for me and my family because you begged us to let him stay here! He can actually kill us, Ellalynn!" His voice rose with each word along with his grip o  Ella's arm, which made her whimper but he didn't take notice. "The point we will all die if you continue to fall for him! Stop protecting him Ella! Get rid of him!" He spat harshly and sped from the room.

end of flashback

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