Chapter 34; I'm Scared 'Cause The Past Keeps Pulling Me Back

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"You're too good for this world, and because of that the world will eventually crush you."

~ Unknown


Ray's P.O.V


    I punch the cave wall.
    "Why?" I scream. "Why would she do that?"
    My reflection doesn't say anything, it just stares back at me. I take in my surroundings. Something about this cave seems familiar. Oh, how could I forget? This is the same cave where Alice and I had our first kiss together.

    I'm suddenly glad that I managed to get Christian and Lewis off my tail. I really need some ti,e alone. I don't know why I decided to come here, of all places. This is the last place I'd want to be at the moment. I put my fingers to my lips. I can still remember how Alice's lips felt on mine. How they felt softer than they looked, and how she smelt of roses and tasted of strawberry. 

    I turn around and slump against the wall, defeated.
    Why? Why did Pan have to take Alice from me? He's already taken everything else from me. Time and memories. Time that I could've spent with Christian when he needed me the most. Time that I could've spent with my family. Almost an entire lifetime. Pan practically owns me. Tears stream down my face as I think about it.

   I should never have gotten my hopes up. Alice might be way out of my league, but she still doesn't deserve someone as awful as Pan. If only she knew what he was really like. Sadistic, cruel, manipulative. The two of them are practically polar opposites! She deserves someone who'll take care of her. Someone who'll treat her like the princess she is. I don't really mind if Alice doesn't love me like how I love her.

    I know she'll never think of me in that way. I don't care who she's in love with as long as she's happy, and as long as the guy she loves isn't Pan. It really hurts when you have someone in your heart but you can't have them in your arms. Have you ever loved someone so much that it made you cry? I never thought I'd ever be in love with someone. That was before Alice walked into my life.

    I didn't believe in love, I've seen too many couples who have a divorce halfway into their marriage. I just needed the right person to get me to believe in love again. I guess sometimes it's not the butterflies that tell you you're in love, but the pain. Even if never leave this godforsaken island, I'll never forget this day.

    The day I lost someone who wasn't mine.


Peter's P.O.V


    "How's Alice doing?"
    "She hasn't left the tree house since yesterday's incident."
    "What was the purpose of the boys to seeing you kiss Alice?" Felix asks.
    "There's three reasons, the first one is the fact that Lewis and Ray both love her." I say.
    "But Alice doesn't know that Lewis loves her." Felix points out.

    "Yes, but even if she did know, it's obvious that Alice won't break either one of their hearts on her own," I say.
    "So you had to take matters into your own hands."
    I nod. "Exactly."
    "So, what's the second reason?"
    "Alice needed to be punished," I say. "She deliberately disobeyed my rules; she's not allowed to get close to Ray or be alone with him."

    "Okay, then, what about the last reason?"
    "It's for The Game." I say.
    Felix cocks his head to the side, confused. "I don't follow."
    "I need Alice to rely on me and on me only. That's why I planned for the boys to see us in that position, I need them to abandon her, to stop talking to her."

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