Chapter 60; Going Home

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"Their love was strong but the timing was wrong and fate decided that they don't belong."

~ @poets // Instagram


Alice's P.O.V


    I struggle to move my legs, but they don't budge an inch.
    Damn, it. And I thought Peter's magic wasn't supposed to work on me the same way.
    I let out a frustrated groan when I realize that my actions are futile. My eyes dart to Mr Gold, who's turned to face Neal.
    "I used the curse to find you, Bae, to tell you I made a mistake," Gold says.

    "To make sure you had a chance at happiness."
    Peter scoffs at those words, no doubt hiding the pain which is obvious in his eyes.
    But Gold ignores him, continuing with his speach. "And that happiness is possible. Just not with me. I accept that."
    "Pretty, pretty words," Peter interrupts, chucking.

    He appears uncaring, but I know that deep, deep down, he hopes that he'd have a father who'd care for him. Peter grew up without a father and Rumpelstiltskin only made it worse by killing his mother and banishing him on Neverland. But it was on Neverland where Peter managed to meet his grandfather, Malcolm, who soon became a father figure to him.

    "I love you, Bae," Mr Gold says, he then turns to face the brunette standing next to him. "And I love you, Belle, you made me stronger."
    "Stronger, yes. But still, no magic," Peter points out.
    "Oh, but I don't need it," Mr Gold says. "You see, you may have lost your shadow, but there's one thing you're forgetting."
    "And what's that?" Peter asks.

    "So have I," his father replies, triumphantly. "I sent it away with something to hide."
    Mr Gold then raises his hand in the air, summoning his shadow. The spirit immediately appears, handing Rumpelstiltskin's dagger back to him. The shadow, now finished with it's purpose, goes back into Mr Gold's body, becoming one with him again.

    Gold then forcibly grabs Peter, holding his son against himself. Peter cries out as Gold does so.
    "What are you doing?!" he cries out, struggling to get out of his father's grip.
    "You see, the only way for you to die, is if we both die," his father tells him. "And now... Now, I'm ready."

    "Peter!" I scream as Rumpelstiltskin stabs Peter in the back with the dagger, impaling himself in the process. "NO!"
    Peter cries out in pain as the dagger is pushed further into him, but Mr Gold remains unfazed. I hold Cassie closer against my chest and tears trickle down my face as Peter continues crying out in pain.

    A cloud of black smoke appears, engulfing the two of them and an old man appears in Peter's place when the smoke disappears.
    The old man wheezes, willing his old and frail body to remain standing.
    "Hello, papa," Rumpelstiltskin greets.
    Only at that moment does Peter reappear on the ground, a few centimeters away from them.

    The spell he cast on me earlier wears off as he repears. I bolt towards him, placing Cassie on the ground next to us. I drop to my knees, seeing the blood pouring out of his chest. "No, no, no, no, no."
    Peter grabs my hand, lacing my fingers with his. "Shhh, i-it's a-a-alright, love. It i-i-isn't as b-bad as it l-l-looks. I-It doesn't e-even h-hurt."

    I pull him on my lap, cradling him. "No. No, I just got you back. You- You can't leave me, not again."
    Peter wipes away my tears away with his thumb. "I love y-you. D-D-Don't forget m-m-me."
    "Never," I promise, stroking his hair.
    Cassie steps out from behind me. "Dada?"
    "H-Hey, son," Peter greats, weakly.

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