Chapter 52; Please Don't Bite

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"That's my problem: I think too much, and I feel too deeply. What a dangerous combination."

~ taking-back-my-life


Alice's P.O.V


No one spoke to me as we trudged back to the Jolly Rodger—something I was grateful for as I wouldn't have been able to speak. My heart felt heavier each second as the distance between Peter and I grew. My vision soon started to blur and I found myself constantly blinking away tears.

If I were completely honest, I would've stayed with Peter if he hadn't kept lying to me.

I didn't even realise that we had reached the Jolly Rodger until I felt sea water spritz into my face—the feeling jarring me back to the painful reality. We were leaving Neverland, and I was leaving Peter behind to die.

The seven of us quickly boarded the Jolly Rodger and Hook began to set sail. Emma was the first among us to board the ship.

"Henry?" she calls out. "Where is he?" Baelfire walks out from behind some crates, waving us over. "He's over here!"

Emma, Regina, Mary Margaret and I rush over to him. David and I watch as Emma and Regina kneel down next to the unconscious boy.
"Hold on, Henry," Regina says, bringing her son's heart to his chest. The heart pulses in her hands as she pushes Henry's heart back in his chest.
Emma leans forward. "Henry?"

We watch in anticipation for Henry to regain consciousness. But he stays motionless.
"Are we too late?" Emma asks worriedly.
Regina looks back down at her son. "Henry? Honey!"
Henry gasps, opening his eyes. A wave of relief washes over us as he sits up.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding as he pulls both of his mothers into a hug.
"Woah, woah, woah. Take it easy, buddy," Neal says.
"I'm sorry," Henry apologies, looking from us to his mothers. "I wanted to save magic."
The rest of us look at him sympathetically, pitying the young boy.

Emma places her hand on his head affectionately, hugging him tighter. "It's okay. It's okay."
"I-I wanted to be a hero," he says, looking back at us.
"Hey, there's plenty of time for that," David tells him.
"Right now, it's time to rest," Mary Margaret adds.
"Welcome back, young sir," Hook says.

"Only the best for our guest of honour, don't you think?" Hook says cheerfully. "Captain's quarters."
"Come on, I'll tuck you in," Regina says to Henry.


I rake my hand through my hair, yawning as I exit the bathroom. I begin to turn a corner but stop when I bump into someone.
"Sorry, Alice. Didn't see you there," Will says.
"No, it's alright," I say, brushing the dust of the white nightgown Hook gave me.

"I wasn't looking at where I was going. Listen, about earlier—"

"Can we go into your room?" Will asks. "I need to talk to you."
"Um, sure," I say, going into the spare room Hook had assigned to me.
Will waits until I close the door to speak. "You can't talk to Lewis about what happened on the island."
"So it's true?" I ask, placing my dirty clothes on the dresser. "Lewis really loves me?"

"He does, but I'm not sure if those feelings are still the same or if he moved on when he found out that you loved Pan."
I feel a pang of guilt in my chest when Will mentions Peter. I can't get the look of heartbreak and betrayal on his face off my mind. In fact, everything I look at reminds me of him.

Neverland's forests remind me of his eyes, and how they twinkle when he shoots me one of his infamous smirks. The sea breeze reminds me of how it felt when his hands were in my hair when we were kissing.
"How's Henry?" Will asks.
"He's fine," I say. "He's with Regina. Where's Lewis and Ray?"
"They're sleeping."

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