Chapter 42; Target Practice

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"You took away my sunlight, so I learned to glow in the dark."

~ You cannot take my sunshine away from me- S.L.O.


Peter's P.O.V


    Hunter stands to attention when I enter the room. "Pan."
    "There's no need for that." I wave my hand dismissively. "Where is she?"
    "In the library," Hunter answers. "She woke up an hour prior to your arrival."
    "That girl practically lives in the library," I mutter under my breath.

    I shake my head. "Nothing. You can go now, Hunter."
    "Pan," Hunter begins, hesitantly. "If I may be so bold as to ask, why did you chose me?"
    "You mean why didn't I chose Andrew or your brother to watch Alice instead."
    Hunter nods.
    "It's because I trust you," I answer.

    "Having said that, it doesn't mean that didn't trust you before, because I did, just not entirely. You earned my complete trust when you decided not to break my rules that day at Mermaid Lagoon."
    He nods understandingly. "May I ask another question?"
    "Go ahead."
    "I heard from my brother that you just found The Truest Believer."

    "What of it?"
    "Why Alice is still here then?" he asks. "I mean, you already have The Truest Believer."

    I hesitate, partly because I'm unsure of how to answer his question and partly because I don't know how to.

    "I have my reasons," I say instead. "Any more questions?"

    "No, Pan," he replies, shaking his head.

   I hand Hunter his sword, the hilt facing him. "You are dismissed."

    "Report to Felix at the training grounds," I command. "I'll be joining the group shortly."
    Hunter nods, leaving the room without another word. I make my way towards the library,waving my hand to open the French doors.
    "Mornin', Alice," I greet, stepping into the room.
    "Good morning, Peter," she replies, not looking up from her book.

    "Ready for training?"

    Her attire consists of a pair of brown boots, forest green tights and a simple green shirt, one that suspiciously resembles a shirt I have stored in my closet. Her hair is up in a loose bun today, with some stray hairs framing her face. A hunting knife rests inside the holster strapped to her thigh, something that she's recently started wearing.

    "Yup," Alice replies, popping the "P". She slots a bookmark between the pages she stopped at before placing it on the table. "Where were you last night?"

    "We have a new recruit," I tell her. "I was testing him to see if he had the qualities of being a lost boy."
    "And did he?" Alice questions.
    "Yes, he passed the first stage with flying colours."
    "And what would you do if he hadn't?"
    I'd kill him.
    "I'd send him back to his family if he wasn't of any use to me."

    "So you'd get rid of anyone who isn't of use to you?"

   "Then, why am I still here?"
   "Because the game is still ongoing," I reply. That isn't entirely a lie. "Besides, you'd make a perfect lost girl. My first lost girl."
    Thankfully, she doesn't press for anymore answers.
    "Ready to start training?" I repeat.

   Alice gets to her feet. "Yes, I'd like to meet the new recruit."
    "Great," I say, wrapping my arm around her waist. "You'll get to witness the second stage of initiation."
    I then teleport the both of us to the training grounds.
    "Wait here, I'm going to wake him up," I say, jerking my head towards Henry, who's sleeping under the shade of an old oak tree.

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