Chapter 9

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The day was just like any other ... again. Since it was a peaceful time, there was no need for excessive training or rushing around like a chicken with its head cut off. I was so tired of this life, seeing as how I've lived it for 24 years and I'm 26 right now, almost 27.

You were thinking about Percy, dumbass.

I was sitting on the inside of Half-Blood Hill, this time, finding comfort in staring up at my father's realm. Thoughts had taken most of the time now, knowing that I was retired from the camps and could walk around freely without some evil deity trying to kill me.


My mind reminded me. I felt like popping the side of my temple with my palm, kind of like the cliche "duh!" sort of move.

How is he? Where is he? How can I -

My thoughts were cut off as an iris message popped up in front of me.

Frank and Reyna stood there, clad in their purple praetor robes and armor.

"Good. Jason, there's trouble over here and we're going to need your help. We weren't ready and taken by surprise. The enemy popped out of literally nowhere. Use the camp portal." With a swipe from their side, the connection was cut and was left staring at the open sky.


I sprang up and drew my sword, running towards the middle of the camp where a portal resided, swirling like a hurricane but without the suction of the real thing. I knew campers looked at me in confusion, wondering why I had a sword drawn and running at a full sprint towards Camp Jupiter. Without hesitation, I jumped through and was met with an overview of utter chaos.


Traveling via portal was never my favorite choice, I always chose to fly or to vapor travel. "Portals are fastest," Chaos had said. Fastest, yeah; nauseating, very much so. I felt the end of the light stream coming up and bent my knees so that I wouldn't break my legs when I landed. I waited.

Blinding white came up at the end.

I waited.

A sucking feeling pulled me towards the end.

I waited.

Finally, my feet hit solid ground. I could already feel the task grass crunching under my shoes. I expected complete silence, maybe some distant sword clashes from training grounds, but what I got was ringing sword clashes all around me. I opened my eyes to stare at a battle down on the Field of Mars, where I had my first War Game so many years ago.

The one thing I noticed though made me cringe and grow heavy with guilt and anger. It was Romans against Chaotics, the army that Jasper led.

I thought Chaos sent me ahead of them.

I growled and sighed. A scream ripped through the battle and I felt one of our warriors dying.

Find a way to stop this before someone dies, quickly! That was Chaos's voice, I knew that much. Another scream, only weaker this time and u felt the soul of a Roman slipping away slowly.

Only one solution came to my mind as I stepped up to the highest point close to where I stood. I looked down on the battle with disgust.

"ENOUGH!" I bellowed down at the clashing forces. My voice was powerful, echoing through the whole field and I felt like I only just yelled at them.

The fighting stopped and I saw all faces turned toward me, only the people clad in black armor dropping to a knee, gasps, and murmurs going through their ranks. One pushed past Romans and Chaotics alike, and I could only guess it was Jasper. I only stood and watched as he climbed the small slope quickly. When he got to me, he didn't smile or joke, he looked beaten and ready to cry.

"Sorry," he murmured and had the courtesy to actually look ashamed for the actions that may or may not have been his. I only have him a small smile before shedding all emotion and tapping him upside the head.

"For why? You, or whoever started this, could have just messed up out chances to help them and save this universe." Jasper looked me in the eyes with his watery golden ones. Jasper nodded and I couldn't help but not be mad at him. I ruffled his hair under his hood before turning back to the warriors.

"REYNA AND FRANK, I KNOW YOU'RE DOWN THERE. WE NEED TO TALK IN THE PRINCIPIA. MEET US THERE. For the rest of you," my words still echoed over the field even though I took it down a notch. "No more fighting! Make a truce and get on with your lives," I yelled. I turned and grasped Jasper's hand and pulled him along to the familiar building that stood higher than all the rest.

I can already tell this is going to be fun ... not.


So, I joined in the battle and only a few minutes later, some random guy shows up and ask the black-clad warriors are kneeling, talking in some unknown language. I watched one of the warriors run up to the cloaked figure. A few words were exchanged, I knew that much before the warrior was smacked upside the head.

"REYNA AND FRANK, I KNOW YOU'RE DOWN THERE. WE NEED TO TALK IN THE PRINCIPIA. MEET US THERE. For the rest of you, no more fighting! Make a truce and get on with your lives." The guy had taken down his tone, but his voice still echoed across the valley, rocking through my ears. It was melodic, deep and smooth, just ... oh so spine-chilling. I almost dropped my sword. The warrior on the ground next to me, the one I had been fighting earlier, chuckled up at me. I stomped toward him and he jerked a little and moved away.

When I looked back up, the two had disappeared and all the black clad warriors started getting to their feet. The one that skirted away from me faced me when he, or she, got to their feet.

"Star," the voice was feminine. She shot out her hand in a gesture of greetings. "I'm in charge when Jasper is off with Απεργία (Ah-pair-ge-ah. Now you know how to say it! :3)."

"Jason," I accepted her hand, feeling that it felt calloused and rough like a man's hand. She must be a really hard worker.

"So, this is Camp Jupiter. You know, the last time I was down here, I thought there was only one camp. But, this place is like a whole other world! I mean ... I know it is, different gods and all, but you know what I mean," she looked around me.

I watched the Chaotics finally all get to their feet and Star rallied them in, catching a few Romans in the huddle.

"Okay, fhad 'sa bha a' feitheamh airson ar caraidean gus faighinn air ais, bidh sinn a 'campachadh a-mach ann am beagan bhuidhnean. Briseadh a-steach do roinnean agus a dhol a dh'obair. Dhiùltadh!" The warriors all spread out and all that were left were some very confused Romans.

"What'd she say?"

"What language was that?

"Sounded like gibberish to me ..."

Oh, this is going to be fun, I once again sighed. Welcome to Camp Jupiter, Chaotics.

The gibberish is supposed to translate to, "Okay, while we're waiting for our friends to get back, we'll be camping out in groups. Break into your divisions and get to work. Dismissed!"

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