Chapter 22

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My mind didn't feel right as Percy's body, bleeding, clad in black, and motionless, was wheeled away by Apollo campers and different Chaotics that valued their Assassin's life more than their health. Every single one of them had bleeding ears but only a few - like Jasper - had been affected severely. He was on a makeshift bed himself but there weren't many more things that I noticed.

I was fine, holding it together and everything until I had to comfort Nick and then the tears were never-ending. Soon, I had to leave Nick to Nico because I couldn't stop shaking. Everything was numb and so many emotions just got clogged in my system.

Percy was dying. He just came back.

A forceful sob broke from my chest as I fell onto the hill that I had started this whole journey on. The sky was a beautiful blue and the weather was amazing - warm with a cool breeze - and it was all horrible. You wouldn't have thought that a battle had just gone on and that a lot of people died. I wanted to just curl up and die; join Percy in the afterlife.


I yelped a shot to my feet, spinning to get a full view of the deserted area around me. The feminine voice in my head bounced around a little from how loud it was.

He's not dead.

"Who are you?" I yelled into the air. I felt stupid - talking to the air - but it's not like anyone is around.

Do not ask my name. I am a friend.

"Why are you speaking to me?" I asked.

I'm helping your little ... friend, if you know what I mean. I could literally hear the smirk on her face. Anyway, my cheeks still heated up but then the broken body of Percy flashed through my mind. My nose started burning with the upcoming tears.

"How is he? Do you know if he's alright?" My voice choked with my tears and I was on the edge of breaking down again.

Do not cry. He is alright. I am making sure of that. The feminine voice gave me a hint of comfort. I am powerful. I'll make sure he stays in tact.

"Thank you," I cried, a few tears rolling down my cheeks. I sat down on the grass as different memories of Percy and/or Strike - good and bad - filtered through my head. I smiled as more tears ran down my face.

My vision started to blur even more as exhaustion came up and tried to overtake me. I leaned back until my back met the luscious grass and sank into it.

I stared at the blue, perfect, cloudless sky for a few minutes before my eyes fell and my conscious slipped into nothingness.


Wake up. Wake up!

I jolted up from my resting place as the familiar feminine voice sounded in my head. I looked around the field and squinted as the evening sun shone down on me and the camp and all its occupants.

Holy Void! You sleep like a rock! The voice paused for a little while before going back into conversation with a quieter voice. Go see Percy. He's doing well here and wanted to check up on his actual body. I'll let him see as soon as you get there.

"Why?" I asked to the air.

He's not doing so well, she admitted. I got confused.

"I thought you just said he was doing well," I breathed, shocked at how his health could change so fast.

I meant he was doing well physically. I didn't say mentally. It's hard to wake up in a place you aren't familiar with and learn that you died but aren't dead. Just go to the infirmary, quickly.

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