Chapter 21

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When I woke, it was dark and eery, like there wasn't anything around except the soft and springy thing under me. I couldn't see, but when I tried to move, my whole body screamed like I was tortured for the likes of me. I stopped squirming when I heard a rasping noise that sounded a lot like a snake that had been smoking. I waited for whatever it was to approach me, but it didn't get louder or quieter and it didn't seem like it was moving around. I shook off my adrenaline and confusion enough to go for the logical explanation and found that it only sounded when my chest moved up with each inhale.

The sense of fear and helplessness dissipated as I tried my best to look around the room without moving my throbbing body.

"So you're awake. Took you long enough."

I will not be afraid to admit that I jumped three feet into the air when the feminine voice filled the space around me. My body screamed at me to move and get away but my movements were slow and painful. Strong hands gripped my wrists and pinned my upper body against the bed so I couldn't move anymore. My legs, I noticed, just sat stock still against the bed.

"It's alright, young vessel. You are hurt and you need to rest before you hurt yourself even more. How about introductions? I'm Order, the younger sister of your master Chaos. I'm the co-creator of the universe. I was the one that kept Chaos in check so he didn't make the water green and the grass blue," Order giggled. A face finally came into view.

Golden blonde hair that pooled over her shoulders and bright blue eyes that sparkled like sapphires. She was an all-natural beauty, but, you know, I'm into guys so she was just pretty - not hot or drop-dead gorgeous.

"Well, I think I'm pretty hot, but I do get your circumstances," she smiled, flashing pearly white teeth that seemed inhumanly possible. "They are."

STOP! I screamed in my head and Order winced and let go of my wrists to grab at her ears.

"Hah~," I wheezed, trying to talk and failing miserably. "Hoo~," I huffed.

"Are you an owl? Stop trying to talk or you'll just screw up your vocal chords even more," she scolded like a mother. "Just talk to me through your head," she tapped her temple to prove her point.

Where am I? I asked.

"You're in my realm. I "picked" you up before you died and now you're healing here. Your real body is still on the ground and alive but your soul is up here in a form that's made over your soul so u don't just float around. Get it? It's just like a vessel that didn't have a soul before. Kind of just like a case for -"

I get it, I grumbled because she was rambling.

"Right. Sorry. How do you fair?" She asked.

I can't feel my legs and I can't speak, my body also screams every time I try to move and I sound like I've been smoking since I was three, I groaned mentally.

"Yeah, Erebus fucked you up. He's the offspring of Chaos, just so you know, so it's gonna be pretty hard to beat him. I know you were blessed by the man himself but being blessed and being his offspring are different. If you want a chance of beating him, you'll need my help. I'm weaker than Chaos but I have more power than Erebus, and I'm not also held back by Primordial rules," she explained.

'Primordial rules'? What are those? I asked.

"They're for family. You can't kill your birthers, siblings, or children. That rule doesn't go for cousins or uncles or people like that, but since Chaos is the creator of all those people, he's the father of all and he can't kill his children i.e. Erebus. You get my drift?"

Yeah, I sighed mentally.

"You're in a lot of pain, aren't you?" She asked and tapped my thigh.

I choked on air as pain radiated up my body and down to my toes.

"Uh, oops. Sorry," she giggled as I glared at her and had hatred running through my mind. "Ah, please don't be that way. In order for us to work together, I need you to like me. I'm sorry, please forgive me?" She turned to me with some actual regret in her eyes. I guess she really wants to be my friend.

You're fine, just please be more careful. I will never hate someone that close to my fatherly figure. I mumbled and looked down my body, even my eyes aching with the movement.

My normal clothes weren't there, I was just in a pair of thin light blue, almost white, pants while my upper body was naked and bandaged around the abdomen. Other small bandages and band-aids were riddled around my body for the smaller and more minor injuries. I'm pretty sure I would've been blushing if Jason saw me like this.

"Who's Jason? Are you talking - well, thinking - about Jason Grace?" She paused a second and looked at me before continuing. "I know him! He would've been my vessel for this war if you Chaotics hadn't come down. What? Do you like him~?" She cooed. I knew a blush lit up my cheeks because they started throbbing.

Quiet. To change the subject to something more important, where exactly am I? I asked.

"You're in my realm," she stated like it solved everything.

Well, yeah, you said that. But where exactly is your realm? I might know where we are, I set an unimpressed expression on my face.

"Oh!" I almost groaned at how she was acting. "We're in a different galaxy called Sefex. It's kind of unknown and not even my brother knows about it," Order giggled and reached up a hand to scratch at the back of her blonde hair.

Well, that's not helpful, I sighed externally and my throat rasped and twitched in pain which sent me into a fit of rumbling coughs. A warm hand was placed on my rumbling chest and a wave of relief overcame my aches and pains that were caused by my constant jerking.

"You're going to be like this for a long time unless ..." Order trailed off and looked at me with a knowing eye.

I looked down at the hand that was still rested on my chest and thought about all the pain that probably would've come back as soon as Order removed her hand.

"You have to become my vessel,"  Order said, her voice tender like she knew what was going on in my head. "I can promise you, it won't change anything but your power and abilities. It may also do a little appearance change."

Do it. I didn't even think about consequences, I just had one thought in my mind.

If I do this, it can help us win the war. Jason'll be safe and so will Nicholaus. I'll sacrifice the world to keep them safe.

"And that's why you are the best choice for my vessel," Order smiled and put more pressure on my chest with her hand. "Close your eyes."

I closed my eyes and sighed as more pressure filled my chest and I knew it wasn't just from Order's hand anymore.

"You might feel a pinch," Order informed. Her voice was echoey and hollow, kind of like she was talking to me through a cup in a large empty room. The pressure was just barely pushing until it just all of a sudden forced its way into my chest.

I gasped and my eyes flew open and I jerked up in a new room, in a different bed, and with new people standing over me. I coughed as the new pressure settled and I was able to breath easier.

"Percy," someone called and my vision cleared so I could see the people around me easier.

Golden hair and electric blue eyes hovered over me with a mixed expression on his face.

"Jason," I breathed and a new wave of exhaustion swept over me as my eyes fell.

He really is cute, a feminine voice echoed in my head. I didn't even respond as I was swept into the never-ending darkness of sleep.

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