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Third Person

"And that's how Jason sacrificed himself to save the demigod race," Reyna sighed solemnly,  letting her body slump. New campers, Greek and Roman, young and naïve, sat in front of her, tears either dripping down their face or being caught by collars of t-shirts or tissues.

She had just told them Jason and Percy's story.

Their legend.

"They sounded amazing," one little girl sniffled, her orange bracelet telling Reyna she was Greek.

"They were," Reyna agreed, nodding.

"They are," someone cut in. Reyna groaned and frowned in mild annoyance. Jason and Percy rounded the corner, both healthy and alive.

"Guys, can you let me scare the new campers just once?" Reyna whined.

"That's not nice, Reyna," Percy laughed.

The group shared a hearty laugh, continuing on when spotting the faces of the shocked new campers.

It's been three years.


Percy awoke in a bed, pain radiating through his body. His head was groggy, the light in the room too bright to handle. He groaned as he sat up, feeling his eyelid twitch continuously.

"Woah!" someone called to Percy, and suddenly hands were on his chest, pushing him back down to the bed. "You're not ready to get up, yet! You're still recovering."

"Let him go," someone cut in, causing the painful pressure to let up.

"Chaos?" Percy called, the picture around him coming into a clearer quality.

"I'm here," Chaos called, placing a hand on Percy's shoulder.

Suddenly, all the memories came back, causing Percy to tense as everything fell into place.

"Jason?" Percy called. The quiet bustle of the room faded, everything around him stopping. He saw everyone looking either at him or a wall with pity. "Where's Jason?" A tear splashed onto Percy's hand.

"Chaos, do something. Bring him back," Percy commanded wetly.

"I believe only you can do that, my boy, but it's something that will heavily change you," Chaos warned.

"Tell me!" Percy yelled, lunging to grab Chaos's collar, ignoring the jabbing pains in his body. "I don't care, I just want Jason back," he sobbed, letting his body fall weak back onto the bed where he curled in on himself. "Jason," he whimpered.

Chaos only looked upon him with pity, not worrying about fixing his collar at all.

"You have to give him your blessing. But, your blessing is also my blessing. That means you'll lose your powers, your position in my army, and your wings," Chaos informed the still crying Percy.

Percy looked up with despair written on his face. He stayed silent for a long while, though.

"Percy, you have done so much in my army. You've made the world a better place just by showing up to some events. I will not be insulted if you choose love over my army. You will always be welcome to come back if you so wish," Chaos smiled softly, watching as Percy's hard expression softened into relief.

"What about Nick?" Percy asked, facing changing once again.

"He can choose also, if he wants to stay here or continue on to train in my army," Chaos nodded.

Percy nodded after him, making a decision.

"I'm sorry, Chaos, but I choose love. What do I do?" Chaos smiled at Percy, giving him instructions on how to bless someone properly.

In the Temple of Jupiter, a sheet jerked with the movement of the person under it.

Jason ripped the sheet away as he took in his surroundings.

He remembered the feeling of that sword. He remembered dying. He remembered Percy crying over his body. 

Jason was alive.


"I love you," Jason whispered into Percy's ear before he placed a kiss on his cheek.

Percy smiled and leaned into Jason until their sides were pressed together and Percy's head rested on Jason's shoulder.

"I love you, too," Percy whispered, eyes following the flow of the Little Tiber river below them. He was about to doze off when something shiny came into his vision and peaked his curiosity.

"Percy, will you do me the honor," Jason started and Percy jolted up, throwing a hand over his mouth, "and marry me?"

Percy looked at the shining black band with gold and bronze designs wrapping around it, small inset diamonds in a pattern around the band.

Percy felt tears well up as he looked at the ring, hand not moving from his mouth as he nodded, looking at Jason.

Jason had tears welling up in his eyes as well but a bright grin was plastered on his face.

Percy sobbed with happiness as he threw his arms around Jason's neck, pulling him in for a loving, passionate kiss. No one wanted to pull away but Jason needed to put the ring on Percy's finger so he moved back, sharing little pecks with Percy's chasing lips.

Gripping Percy's right hand and bringing it up in between them made both freeze for a second.

"Thank you," Percy whispered and Jason watched a tear fall before he slid the ring onto Percy's finger.

"Bubba!" Nick cried, running toward them with a exasperated Luke and Zoe running behind him.

"Sorry, Percy. We couldn't hold him back," they apologized.

Percy laughed before he opened his arms wide to take Nick's tackling hug. The momentum brought Percy to his back as he held Nick closely, placing small kisses in his hair.

Jason laid down beside him and Luke and Zoe (Jasper and Star, if you didn't figure it out already) laid down with them, close and linking hands. Jason's finger brushed one of Percy's hands, hinting at holding hands.

As they linked fingers, Percy sighed in happiness.

He thought, 14 years ago, he was going to die alone, miserable and cold.

Now, he basks in the warm sun with his best friends close to him and a fiancé that he will cherish with all his heart.

"Thank you," he sighed. No one answered him because they knew it wasn't directed towards them in particular, it was just aimed towards the Fates, his luck, and just all in general.

The ring was a new weight but it was a happy one.

Percy dozed off with the best dreams he's had in years, Jason's hand warm in his, Nick a slight pressure on his chest.

Finally, he was genuinely happy.


That's all folks.

Thank you so much for keeping up with me through this process.

I'm excited to start new stories for you guys so expect more.

(Thanks to the administration blocking Wattpad on my school chromebook, it might be less often updates for stories. I don't like using my phone that much but I will if I'm mind-numbingly bored and desperate to write.)

I love you all and another big shoutout to you all for all the support you gave me!

Happy Reading!!

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