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J A S E Y R A E ' S P O V

Being at the hospital was shit.

As soon as I woke up from being unconscious, the doctor informed me that I had to remain awake for six hours. It was already one in the morning so I was restless and by the time the doctor came in at seven in the morning, I was about ready to snap. Kate stayed for the first hour before she went home to get some sleep, not without giving me a sloppy kiss on the forehead and telling me how much she loved me. The other five hours consisted between me watching late night television, movies on the hospital movie channel and my night nurse having various conversations with me as she regularly checked my vitals.

At seven, the doctor came in and checked that everything was good and when he was assured that my brain was fine – he let me go to sleep. Though I only got a decent two-hour rest, considering that my setting was unfamiliar and daunting as it was noisy in the hall outside. By ten am I was wide-awake, starving and absolutely done with being in the hospital. At ten thirty the nurse came in bringing me some late breakfast she had saved for me and at eleven the doctor came in and told me to take it easy, however that I was fine to be discharged.

After I got changed into the PJ's that I was wearing when I collapsed, I grabbed my phone out of the cupboard that had been locked all night for safety. I saw a text from Kate stating that Grace was the one picking me up today and to text her when I was leaving. I did so and told Grace that I was getting released within the next thirty minutes and she texted back saying that she was on her way. Grace's dance teacher's sister owned a studio about five minutes from the St. Margarets hospital that I currently was admitted in. Grace helped teach many classes there and was almost finished her qualification to become a full time dance teacher. She pretty much had full run of the place there, and spent most of the days of the week either assistant teaching or practicing and perfecting her skills.

I signed the necessary forms I needed for my discharge, along with the doctor and the next thing I knew I was waiting around for Grace to pick me up. The doctor said I couldn't drive for a couple of days for safety precaution and wanted me to not do anything too strenuous, so he said that he wouldn't let me leave without someone.

I thought back to the conversation I had with the nurse last night. She was talking about what a lovely boyfriend I have, who sat waiting for any news that I was all right. I went to tell her that I did not actually have a boyfriend, until she mentioned that it was actually Luke who had told the doctor that he was my boyfriend. I couldn't help but be confused at who this boy was, this Australian lad who seemed to be one giant mood swing. One second he hated me and the next he was sitting making sure I was safe. One second he was telling me how he never took no for an answer and the next he was rushing me to hospital. I didn't know what to expect from him anymore and I was getting whiplash trying to keep up.

However I knew that I owed a great amount of gratitude to Luke and it was something that bothered me.

Luke didn't seem to want to accept my thanks, instead he wanted to try and escape it. I was going on the third day of knowing him, and I didn't even know his last name yet I knew something was off about him. He was blurry around the edges – he was hiding something that he didn't want anyone to know. I don't know how I knew this; maybe it was because I was observant or because I just had a knack of noticing when people were lost. Though even though I didn't know Luke, I knew something about him that not many people would – just because I could see past the layers he tried to conceal himself under.

Grace arrived quite quickly, walking into the small lobby of the hospital and smiling when she saw me. I waved a quick goodbye to my doctor before happily following my best friend out into the cool spring day. The sun was shining today, which was a surprise considering we lived in the gloomiest country in the world. I followed Grace to her car, a small handy down from her parents, and got in the front seat sighing in relief as my head relaxed into the comfy car seats.

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