Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

Logan’s brilliant crimson eyes paralyse me as he stalks towards me. His stride is painfully slow, drawing out the suspense, and he gives me a cruel smirk. The corner of his bruised top lip pulls up and I see the exposed, pointy fang.

Logan tilts his head to the side, his quiff draping slightly over to the left side of his face as he looks at me fiercely. The violet flakes in his eyes blaze and the scent of red roses and strong cologne takes my breath away.

His thick, black cloak sweeps the ground as he closes the distance between us. I can’t bring myself to move even though every bone in my body aches to run, to get as far away from Logan as possible.

The wild, untamed look displayed on his features is enough to set my heart racing. He doesn’t even look human anymore. The animalistic urge in his eyes says it all. Logan’s thirsting for the life pulsing hot and fast through my veins. Blood.

Almost as if I was in a trance, I only just recognise the sound of Jared yelling my name and the feeling of him yanking on my arm. But I can’t move. It’s like my feet are glued to the ground and my joints are locked.

“Emerald,” Logan says, drawing out my name in a whisper like a leaf taken by the breeze.

His long tongue flicks out of his mouth, running along his parted lips to wet them. They appear to glisten and shimmer in the red glow his eyes are providing despite the darkness.

Just a few hours ago when we were on our date I would have melted at the sight. But not now. Logan reminds me of a venomous snake ready to strike.

“Emerald,” Logan whispers again, his eyes burning brighter whenever he says my name. I shiver as usual, feeling the tingling sensation pass down my spine. But this time it’s with the thrill of fear.

Logan’s dark smirk is erased from his face and is replaced by complete seriousness. His eyebrows furrow, his hard jaw clenches, his eyes menacing. Then it’s all over. In one swift move, almost as if he was flying, Logan sprints over to me and throws me over his back.

“No!” Jared shouts, direction many upper cut punches to Logan’s marble chest. But it is no use. With me still hanging off his back, Logan just shrugs and kicks Jared away from him.

Jared falls down the veranda steps and his head smashes into the gravel floor underneath him. Blood pools under his head, staining the grey stones red and sticking to his blond hair.

“Jared!” I wail, feeling fresh tears spill down my face as I stare at his unconscious body.

‘This can’t be happening,’ I think to myself. ‘Jared’s hurt badly and it’s all my fault! I’m putting my loved ones in danger.’

“Close your eyes,” Logan orders, before taking off and leaving Jared behind.

I bury my face in Logan’s back as he sprints off into the night. He’s so fast that the wind whips my hair around and my stomach jolts uneasily. I wrap my arms around his neck tightly and cling to him for dear life.

Logan’s moving like a bullet, so swift and fluid that there’s no sound of his feet touching the earth. His breathing slow and steadily, an indication of how effortless running is for him. I’ve feared death before in his presence, but nothing compared to this.

Logan seems to be running down a steep hill suddenly because a sharp pain hits my insides. I’ve never been one for rollercoasters, always hating the adrenaline rush of plummeting face first down the tracks, and being on Logan’s back now is no exception.

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