Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

*Logan’s P.O.V*

Even though I’ve left her in that alleyway I can still smell her. The scent of her coconut shampoo and her mouth-watering blood lingers in my nostrils like a drug. I need my next hit and I’m paying for not getting it. I’m just so thirsty. It feels like a piece of hot branding iron has been shoved down my throat.

Stopping mid-hunt has its underlying consequences, especially a newborn vampire like me. Obviously I need blood to stay alive and functioning, but it’s more than just a lifestyle choice. All I can think about is blood.

When I see, smell or hear a human near by their blood is all I can focus on. Nothing else matters to me. My best friend from my past life could be in the wrong place in the wrong time and I wouldn’t hesitate. I’d drink from him without a second thought. Humans are nothing but prey to me.

So why I left that girl untouched fathoms me. I needed to drink from her and she smelt too delicious to resist, yet I stopped myself just before the bite. I’ve always believed I don’t have the strength to withstand my painful compulsion. But that girl managed to intrigue me enough to make it bearable to walk away.

But now that I’m around other humans my animalistic urges are fighting to take over. A husband and wife walk past me on the footpath, unaware of my desire to crush their windpipes and suck the life out of them. I look behind and growl as the woman pulls her long hair over to one side. Offering me a clear view of her pulsating throat.

I can’t take this anymore! I have to have her blood! She is mine!

I wait for the man and woman to turn the corner into a deserted street before I pounce. I catch up to them in milliseconds and slam the woman onto the ground. Her husband tried to fight me off but I wrap my fingers around his throat before he can utter a word.

My fingers pry into his neck, cutting off his precious air supply. He gags and tries to pry my fingers off him but it is no use. I am a hundred times stronger then he is. After a few more seconds he falls limp, and I let him flop onto the concrete unconscious. 

I crawl on top of the sobbing woman and hum against her throbbing neck. The sound of her heartbeat is like a drum, coaxing me into ending her life. My fangs pierce through her skin and plunge into a near by vein. As soon as I begin to gulp down the sweet liquid flowing through her body the frenzy takes over. I’m nothing but a filthy parasite.

When the woman is completely drained of blood I shake her lifeless body just for good measure. A single human never has enough blood in them to satisfy me! So I drink from the man as well. The tastiness of his blood is masked by the bitter taste of alcohol, but I drain him dry anyway. Surprisingly my throat is still left flaring after killing the couple.

Do I feel terrible for what I just did? Yes I do.

But I search for one last victim. I don’t want any old human, but someone with exotic blood. I weave through the streets, making sure to keep in the shadows so my crimson eyes don’t attract attention.

A young woman walks past me, dressed in a short dress and high heels. I figure she’s a prostitute so I dive into her neck. Her blood is luscious and unique, the type of blood I’m looking for. I’m satisfied after I’ve sucked out around a third of her blood and the nagging in my throat is quenched.  

I bite into my own wrist and let my black blood flow from the freshly made wound. I offer it to the woman and she chokes it down desperately. When she’s all healed, I leave her clueless by the sidewalk. When a human drinks from a vampire their memory is lost.

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