Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

I fling the front door open, practically taking it off its hinges in the process, and look out onto the street. I take a step onto the veranda and take in a big breath. “Renee!” I yell, but I don’t receive an answer. “Renee! God no please. Renee!” I look up to the night sky and then cringe away from it. The moon is silently mocking me.

I go back inside the house and collapse in a heap on the floor and cry my heart out. Salty tears slide down my cheeks and fall in my hands. I sob loudly, letting the sound of my fear slowly swallow me like fog. Renee’s gone and it’s all my fault!

I remember the first time we met…

We were both in kindergarten. It was a special time for all the children because it was Bring-Your-Daddy-To-Kindy-Day. It gave all the young boys and girls a chance to celebrate their relationships with their fathers and show them all the great paintings and things they’ve done.

Surprise, surprise, my father couldn’t attend. He was off on business with my mother as usual. Little me cried in the corner of the room, watching all the fathers support their children. It was a really hard time for me. I was a smart kid. I knew I didn’t come first with my parents.

While I was crying, someone tapped me gently on the shoulder. I turned my head around to meet a two pairs of large, hazel eyes. A tiny girl I didn’t recognise was holding a woman’s hand. When I asked the girl why she wasn’t with her daddy, the mother simply shook her head and said she would be Renee’s father for the day.

When the woman asked me the same question, I didn’t hesitate to reply. I felt I could trust her. She had a doting mother aura about her and I could see the way Renee looked up to her. It was clear they were very close.

Renee’s mother told me her name was Caroline and that she could be my father for the night too if I wished. I smiled brightly up at her and then at Renee. That was to be the start of a life-long friendship I’d share with Renee and her mother. They treat me more like family then my own do.

We have grown up together. She’s always been there for me through thick and thin… Through the good times and the bad… Through tears and laughs… Through everything. She’s well and truly my best friend. But now she’s been taken away from me.

How can I tell Caroline that her daughters been taken? She’d never forgive me for letting it happen. I’m such a failure! I failed Renee! God, what do I do?

Surely I should call the police, but as I call 911 on the home phone, I can’t bring myself to speak. My skin is tight around my chest, my throat is dry and I’m sniffling badly. If I say it out loud it would only make the situation feel more real.

Why didn’t I stop her? Why didn’t I run after her? Why didn’t I protect her? I just stood there! Sure I was paralysed by fear, but so what? I let my best friend go! How could I be so cowardly? God I feel terrible. I just feel so guilty!

Why did I have to meet Logan? My life was complicated enough before he showed up. But he decided to throw a spanner in the works. He’s a murderer, and to top it all off, he has red eyes.

Now Renee’s life is in jeopardy because of me. He told me he was a monster, but naïve little me decided to ignore the warning. How pitiful of me! I should be ashamed of myself! I am ashamed of myself.

I have to fix this. If it means calling Logan and demanding to know what the hell’s going on, then I’ll do it. God I’d do anything for her. Really Renee isn’t just my best friend, that term’s too small and insignificant.  She’s my sister. Sisters are meant to stick together.

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