Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

“I’m your worst nightmare,” he whispers huskily.

I pull the hoody swiftly off the man’s head and find myself bewitched by his appearance. I’ve never seen anyone quite like him before. His hair is brown and thick, framing his head with a perfectly styled quiff. Strong cheekbones and a strait nose define his pale face, while symmetrical eyebrows lead to a pair of entrancing brown eyes. They hold me captive until I grow weak at the knees, completely star-struck.

His dark lips twitch into a pained smile and two half moons form on each cheek. His dimples are somewhat of a childish feature, a sharp contrast to the rest of him. I have to rip my eyes away from his gaze to look over his body, his hoody failing to keep his large muscles under control. They’re practically begging to be released and marvelled at. 

This man is as beautiful as an angel.

“You have a bit of drool on your chin by the way. You should know that it’s not very polite to deliberately check me out. You’re making me feel uncomfortable,” he says, his face now hard and emotionless like stone.

“I’m not drooling,” I protest, as I wipe away the evident moisture from my face. “Nor am I checking you out.”

“Yes you are,” he replies curtly, his voice as smooth as velvet.

“Why do you believe you are my worst nightmare?” I blurt out.

Someone like him couldn’t possibly feature in my nightmares. If anything he belongs in my exotic dreams.

His eyebrows furrow in deep thought as he chooses his next words carefully, “Because I’m a monster.”

“I know your not,” I reply without conscious thought.

A torn expression invades his angelic face so quickly I barely have time to prepare myself for it. His hands form tight fists, while the life seems to drain from his eyes. I’m beginning to get the feeling that I’m talking to a marked man.

“You. Don’t. Know. Anything,” he delivers each word slowly, my heart aching in response to his harsh words. “Because if you did I can guarantee that you’d be screaming, not talking to me.”

“Why are you so bitter?” I ask defiantly.

The beautiful man goes to reply but Renee interrupts us before he can utter a word. As soon as I lay eyes on her, I get an idea of what she’s thinking. Renee’s eyes and mouth are wide open, completely spell bounded by his figure. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s debating whether or not to kidnap him, which makes my stomach churn uneasily.

“We have to go now,” she informs me unemotionally, never taking her eyes off him.

The man locks eyes with Renee and stares at her with so much intensity is sets my blood boiling. His head tilts to one side and he doesn’t blink. He seems to be completely engaged in her hazel orbs, causing jealously to radiate off of my body in waves.

“Go sit back down and don’t interrupts us again,” he orders her, while his pupils dilate considerably.

“I think I’ll go sit back down,” Renee says in a daze, before walking off like a robot and taking her seat.

How strange.

“Now, where were we?” the man asks, as one eyebrow arches high against his forehead.

“You were going to tell me why you’re so bitter.”

“No I wasn’t,” he says sternly.

“Please?” I beg, ridiculously eager to learn more about him.

“You shouldn’t be this keen to know me. It’ll get you into trouble some day,” he says grimly.

“Then will you tell me your name?” I plead.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Why not?” I demand.

“You’ll get attached to me,” he replies nonchalantly, while shrugging those ridiculously broad shoulders of his.

“It’s only fair for you to tell me your name. After all, you know mine.”

“But life isn’t fair,” he retorts.

“Please?” I murmur, begging him with my eyes.

“Are you sure you want to know?”

“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life,” I reply desperately.

His cute dimples vanish in an instant as his face beholds an expression of utter bewilderment. Why is he shocked by the fact I’m curious about him? Of course I want to know the name of the man who’ll be staring in my dreams.

“You really want to know. Don’t you, Emerald?”

The sound of his sexy voice saying my name causes a raw shiver to run down my spine. He’s just too perfect! What makes my heart flutter with even more desperation is the sight of his lips tugging into a mysterious smirk, as if he’s thinking something that’s forbidden to be spoken aloud.

“Yes,” I breathe, barely audible but he manages to catch it.

“My name’s Logan Styles,” he says, winking.

What a completely befitting name for a human being as ravishing as he is.

“I-” I begin, but Logan places his index finger over my lips to silence me.

“Shh,” he hushes me. “You don’t need to say a word.”

Logan picks up my right hand and gently kisses the back of it. The warmth of his delicate lips penetrates my skin, sending my entire body ablaze. Is it possible for him to hear my erratic heartbeats?

“Goodbye my sweet Emerald,” he whispers tenderly, before walking away slowly and sadly.

His absence immediately leaves me entirely empty. My heart may still be dancing to the same song as his, but I don’t feel content without him here with me. I need to see his face, hear his raspy voice and inhale the scent of his manliness. I guess now that I’ve touched the absolute personification of perfection I have no choice but to pursue it.

“You ready to go now?” Renee’s asks beside me, startling me.

“I guess so,” I mumble.

“I think I know that guy from somewhere,” Renee states calmly, as we proceed towards her mother’s parked car. “He’s rather strange, isn’t he?”

“Or just misunderstood,” I defend him.

Renee takes the front seat beside her mother in the car and I slide into the back. As we drive along in silence, I stare out of the window at the vast darkness of the night. Trees are swaying violently in the chilling breeze, small animals no doubt struggling to find themselves some cosy shelter. This year’s winter has been cruel to everyone.

“Okay, Em. What’s going on?” Renee demands, as she sits us down on her bed after we arrive at her place.

“I don’t know what you mean,” I play the fuel.

“Oh, I think you do.”

“Nothing’s going on,” I insist.

“The love bite on your neck says different,” Renee huffs, both her thin eyebrows rising in question.

My fingers trail along the sensitive spot on my neck, strong feelings of pleasure and heat enveloping me. Of course I’m referring to my mysterious stranger.

“I have a not-so-secret-admirer, Renee.”

A/N I’m sorry this is a short chapter. I’ve been very busy lately, but I won’t let things interfere with Pulse anymore. If you liked this chapter though, than please reward me. You know what I mean ;)

Pic of Logan to the side---->


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