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Hey guys so I'm sorry for not uploading anything for a while but I accidentally erased chapter 6 so I was really mad and upset with myself, so I didn't want to work on it for a while but I finally finished it and here it is I know it's not going to be the long or that great but chapter 7 will be better I think. And I think it's also going to be longer so I really don't know when I'm going to finish it but I already started chapter 7 it's not finished yet but hopefully I can finish it on Saturday or Sunday I won't make any promises though it could take longer so here it is. Also thank you for voting and commenting I really do appreciate it. 

    I was inside a cave and with me there was a huge black wolf, its fur was darker that the night itself, it had to be at least 5,2 feet, it's body surrounded me protecting me from the cold of the night. For some odd reason I wasn't afraid of it but rather intrigued by it, a lightning bolt struck down from the sky and it scared me, I quickly bury my face on the wolf's fur I was really afraid of lightning even though I'd love the rain. I could feel the wolf's body moving even closer to me in a protective way, this only made me feel safe and protected I move my head to the side only to be met by two silver orbs those silver eyes pierce to my very soul I couldn't help but to get lost in them they were so mesmerizing.

After gazing at each other's eyes the wolf lay its head on the ground and drifted off to sleep I just stay there looking out side of the cave it was really pouring out there, I could see the trees moving. I could feel myself drifting off to sleep once again, the wolf's fur was so soft and so warm that I couldn't help it.

I woke up to the smell of wet grass and bird singing I look to my right and the wolf was just looking at me, once again we were staring at each other but this time the silence was broken by my growling stomach. Even though it was an animal I couldn't help but to feel embarrassed, the wolf's head when up and down just looking at me and then to my stomach. The wolf turn its head to words it's back and start to pull on something, as it brought it around I was surprised to see a leaf with wild berries, my eyes went wide I couldn't believe it food. I was starving I look at the wolf with pleading eyes and the Wolf just looked at me and then at the berries as if telling me to go ahead, I wasted no time and practically devoured them.

After I had finished the wolf stood up slowly so I wouldn't fall, I also stood up and started to stretch Juste as the wolf was.

Once I was done stretching I turn my attention to the wolf who was just staring out into the forest I look at the direction that it was looking and there was nothing, I was so distracted that I didn't notice the Wolf get close to me until it was pulling me by the shirt deeper into the cave. We walk for a few seconds, as we were walking I could hear the faint sound of water, the wolf finally came to a stop. I couldn't believe it there was a small little pond of water that had been collected by the rain, I bent down and drink from the little pond it was the best water I have ever tasted but, for some odd reason I wasn't as thirsty as I thought I was going to be, to be honest I should have been dehydrated but I wasn't. After I had finished drinking, the wolf went ahead and started to drink from the little pond.

Once we were done we left the cave as we got out of the cave I took a deep breath, I guess once you had food, water and shelter it wasn't so bad out here it was actually kind of nice.

The wolf got in front of me and bent down, he looked at me and then at its back as if telling me to get on. I wasn't so sure, I was actually kind of scared. After much thinking I decided to go ahead and get on, the wolf stood up slowly so that I wouldn't fall as it stood up I got a good grip on it's fur and the wolf slowly start to walk and little by little it started to increase its speed until it was running.

It had been six hours since I had something to eat and my stomach was growling again, the Wolf stopped and bent down again as I got off of it I fell to the ground. My legs were sore and I was unable to stand up, the wolf just looked at me curiously and then look around.

As it was looking around it started to smell the air and started to walk away from me, I was getting scared I didn't want to be alone out here, "wait please don't go!," I said as I tried my best to stand up but I fell to the ground again. The wolf stopped and came back towards me as it got close to me it licked my tears and put its head on top of mine as if ensuring me that everything was going to be alright. The wolf left for a few minutes and I was starting to get scared and thought that it probably did left me all alone, but to my surprise it came back with a branch full of berries.

The wolf came up to me and put the berries in front of me, I just looked up at the wolf and hug it's head, "thank you, for not leaving me," I said. I really didn't care much about the food I just didn't want to be all alone out here, for some odd reason I actually felt safe with this wolf.

The wolf laid next to me just looking at me as I start to eat the berries, when all of a sudden the wolf stood up and started to growled towards some bushes, "what's wrong," I asked. My question wasn't soon answered when a brown bear came out of the bushes, the bear looked vicious and hungry.

The bear charge to words me but the wolf studded in front of me, just growling at it. The bear did not stop but the wolf did something that I was not expecting.

The wolf just jumped on top of the bear and berry its teeth on its neck tearing a chunk of the bear's neck.

The bear slowly fell to the ground I just looked at the wolf in horror as its teeth and fur wore covered in blood. I slowly start to approach the wolf when all of a sudden it turn its head to words me and growl at me, its eyes were just as those of a savage beast every single cell in my body told me to run and I did. As I was running through the woods a lot of thoughts went through my head. How could I have let a savage animal gets so close to me? that could have been me.

I was too distracted by my own thoughts that I didn't see where I was going, next thing I know I was trying my best to swim towards the edge of the river, once I was on the edge I look back to see if the Wolves was not followingme.

Once I had seen that it was not following me I try to catch my breath. When I felt better I stood up and start walk, but stop as a wolf came from some bushes, the wolf was 4,7 feet and its fur was between brown and black its eyes were dark green, the wolf just look at me and start to move to words me I got scared and took a few step back. I was about to run but I saw the wolf starting to change, the wolf turn into a person it was Alex?.

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