Ch. 18

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Hey guys sorry for the wait here's chapter 18 I know it's short and sorry if it's not that good. Thank you very much for all your support I'll try to upload the next chapter as soon as I can and hopefully it will be longer and more interesting.

Scarlett P.O.V:

"Excuse Me, Miss would you like us to get you anything else," ask a waiter for the 5th time. "No thank you," I said, he gave me a weird look and left.

I looked around me and everybody was whispering to the person next to them and they were just laughing, all I did was look down. I couldn't believe it he ditch me, I have been waiting here for my date for almost 2 hours. His name was Nick, he was a rather handsome guy he went to school with me. He got transferred to my school two months after Sky left. He was rather polight he was really nice and funny too, a lot of girls wanted to go out with him but for some odd reason he chose me. And no I am not complaining it's just that I did not see him in the way that he wanted me to he was really nice and all that but I didn't like him. Well why am I going out on a date with him? you may ask. Well it'll happen three days ago when he asked me out.

Flash back

Alex and I were in the cafeteria eating our lunch, Alex was, well practically devouring her food. I was just looking out the door just thinking if Sky was ever going to come back, when all of the sudden I started to think about something that I have never thought about. And without thinking I said it out loud, "I think I'm bi," Alex stoped chewing her food and just look at me, "what?" she said with her mouth full.

Alex just kept staring at me, "what?" I said back at her not releasing what I had just said. "What did you just said," she asked again, "nothing," I told as I realized what I had just said.

She turned her head towards the direction that I was staring at and that is when Nick came through the door. Alex had this big smile on her face, "what?" I asked her a little bit scare. "Ok you just said that you are bi and you're staring at Nick. I think you have a crush on him," "what, no I don't I...." Alex just burst of laughing.

"Oh, my God I can't believe it this is going to be so much fun," she said, "what do you mean," "well now that I know what you like I can get you someone, because to tell you the truth I didn't know what you liked so that is why I never even bother to introduce you to anybody. But now that I know everything is going to change," she said with a mischievous smile. "Okay, okay stop. You got it all wrong," Alex just ignore me and then did the unexpected, "hey Nick," she called after him, "what are you doing? stop that," I said at her nervously.

I turn towards Nick's directions hoping that he hadn't heard her but it was too late Nick just wave at her and started to make his way towards our table. I quickly turn around and just stare at Alex, "what," she said as she gave me an innocent smile.

"Hey Alex," he greeted her, "sup Nick, why don't you join us," "are you sure," he asked, "I don't want to intrude or anything." "Don't worry it's okay right Scarlett," "yeah," I said as I gave him a warm smile. "Ok," he said as he took the sit next to me.

"So Scarlett how have you been?" he asked me, "fine thank you for asking," I answer him back as I kept my eyes down "so Nick do you have a girlfriend?" ask Alex out of nowhere. As she said this I quickly looked up at her, she just gave me this smirk and then turned his attention back to Nick.

"No, well not yet at least," he said as he looked at me, "really," said Alex. "Is there somebody that you like," "you could say that but I don't think she likes me the same way that I do," he said sounding a little disappointed. "Well maybe you should ask her out on a date," said Alex. "Yeah I think I'll do that," said Nick.

Alex continue to talk back and forth until the bell finally ring, it felt like forever just sitting there awkwardly listening to their conversation. "I'm sorry but I have to go, or I'll be late for my class," I said as I quickly pick up all my trash and started to head towards the door. "Hey Scarlett wait please," said Nick as he call after me. I turned around and he was practically jogging towards me. "Listen I was wondering if you would like to go out with me this Saturday," he asked nervously.

This could not be happening, how in the world could a guy like him be asking a girl like me. I was conscious about my aperion and I was not the most beautiful girl out there.

I was about to decline the offered when Alex when head and did it again. "She'll be more than happy to go out with you." "Great, then I'll pick you up around 12," he said as he left the cafeteria in a hurry. I just stood their looking at his back as he exited the cafeteria. I wanted to tell him that I couldn't, but it was too late it was done.

"Wow, you have a date," said Alex sounding a little supris, I turned towards her and I just look at her with disbelief. "I can't believe you just did that," I said to her, I turn around and started making my way towards the exit. "Come on Scarlett, I was just trying to help you out," "oh my god Alex, you are unbelievable," I said, "Scarlett wait, come on Scarlett," she called after me but I just continued to walked away from her.

End of flashback

After that Alex kept on apologizing and like I said before I could never be mad at her for too long. She was my friend eventually I just told her to forget about it but you never do it again.

So you see that is the reason why I'm here I never even had a saying on this date, and I know what you're still thinking, if he didn't showed up for 2 hours, why was I still hear. Well you see he was the one how brought me to this restaurant, but he had to leave. He had a call and he had to go in a hurry, unfortunately I left my purse in his car I wasn't able to take it out so I can leave because I can't pay for what I had already ordered.

Before he left he told me to order for him, apparently he love the food from this restaurant so he just told me what he wanted. He told me to order it and he was going to come backm as soon as he was done. To make matters worse my phone was also in my purse so I wasn't able to call Alex I was stuck in this restaurant, hoping that he would show up.

I was nervous not really trying to think of what would happen if they found out that I didn't have any money. I look towards the the counter and the waiter was talking to the manager. He was saying something to him, as he was saying all of this the manager look towards my direction. I quickly looked away from him and start to drink some water, just taking a sip from my glas.

I stayed like that for a while hoping that they wouldn't realize that I had no money, when all the sudden I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I practically jumped when the hand touch me, "can I sit here," said the person behind me. I slowly turn around to see the person how had scare me and there she was "Sky."  

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