Ch. 25

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Sky's P.O.V:

My Wolfe was going crazy inside of me wanting to come out and ripped to pieces whoever was after my mate. But I could feel something else something dark with in me something that had been trying to come out. All I could do was try to keep my cool and calm down and keep it under control. After Alex told me to go I got on my car and drove as fast as I could to Scarlett's house.

As I arrive at her house l quickly got out of my car but stopped in my tracks. "can you feel them," said my wolf as she growled. "yes," I told her. Not only could I feel their presence but I could also smell them, Scarlett's house was surrounded. I quickly made my way to her door and knocked on it but there was no response. I knocked again harder and I could hear noise in the other side. As the door was open it reviled a woman she looked familiar but I couldn't remember. "You," she said surprise and quickly slammed the door in my face I just stood there wondering what had just happened. Once I had process what had just happened I snapped out of it. I was ready to slam the door open when all of a sudden someone tackled me to the ground. I was so distracted that I had forgotten that Scarlett's house was surrounded. As I looked up I saw a girl she was a half bread half vampire and wolf. I pushed her away from me sending her flying away. My wolf growl then next thing I knew a wolf charge towards me I quickly move away and he went right through Scarlett's window. As it was getting up I move quickly and slam him against the ground. As I was about to snap his neck a guy and a girl attacked me from the back but I quickly dodge their attacks. I could feel my eyes glowing as I look at their every move. "Kill her," said the woman who had open the door I took my stance as they charge towards me. "No!" shouted Scarlett stopping the attackers and sending them flying. 

"Scarlett," said the woman surprise. I just looked at the woman how did she know her name. "What is going on?" I ask. "Scarlet honey you need to calm down," said the woman as she slowly approached Scarlett. I could sense a strong energy coming from Scarlett it was actually kind of scary. But there was another part of me that craved it. "Honey listen to me she's dangerous," she said as she kept on approaching Scarlett. Scarlett looked at me and then at her, "you can," she said with tears on her eyes "I love her," she said as she looked down and tears started to roll down her cheeks. The woman stopped and just stared at Scarlett I couldn't help but stare at her as well. "I'm sorry but she broke the curse," said the woman. Curse? what is she talking about. Scarlett just looked at her confused with tears in her eyes the woman look that she was confused and grabbed her hand. "Sweetheart she... she never truly loved you," she said with this sat expression on her face. Scarlet eyes when wide and she just looked back at me. I could feel my rage emerging what the hell was she talking about. Next thing I knew I was in front of her, "I don't know who the hell you are but you are lying," I said as I grabbed her by the collar of her shirt. I could see fear in her eyes as she try to push me away. "Sky let her go," said Scarlett as she started crying. When I saw this I quickly let go of her and made my way toward's her. 

"Scarlett I'm sorry. Please don't cry. Scarlett I love you I really do she is lying." Scarlett took a step back as I was about to clean her tears away. "I'm not lying. It is the truth," said the woman as she grabbed her shirt. I just growled at her she just took a step back. "Like I said before, you broke the curse that I place on her," "curse? what what the hell are you talkin about," I said as I try to keep my anger under control. "What do you mean," said Scarlett. "I mean that only someone with a really really Dark Soul could break the curse someone who's heart is filled with hate and vengeance. Someone that is incapable of loving. That curse is practically unbreakable because no one like that exist. Or so I thought," she said. I just look at her with disbelief "what?," I said. "Wh.. what do you mean by, incapable of loving," said Scarlett as her voice broke a little. "She never truly love you she was only playing with you the hold time," said the woman. Scarlett just broke in to tears, "Scarlett please you can believe her she's lying I truly do love you. I would do anything for you," I said as I tried to defend my self. She couldn't possibly believe her she was lying. I turned my attention back to the woman I couldn't help but wanting to kill her for lying to Scarlett. "Tell her that you are lying," I said with a threatening voice. The woman looked scared and took a step back she did not say anything all she did was stare at me as if trying to come up with something to say. "You really don't know do you," she finally said, "don't know what?" I asked I was starting to lose my patience. "It's been using you," she said, "I guess I misjudged you. I don't know if you know this but there is something with in you, something dark something that wants to get out. I can feel it, it's getting stronger and is going to be harder for you to control it. t's only a matter of time for you to lose control over it," I froze when she said this how did she know. "The only reason that you felt that you love her was because whatever is inside of you wants her kind pure soul," she said. "That...thats not true," I said as I try to deny what she was saying she was right though there was something inside of me, something that wanted to be close to Scarlett. "It's true and you know it. You love her because of her kind, pure, loving soul. You never care what she look in the outside because what evere is inside of you is attracted to what's inside of her," she said as she made her way towards Scarlett. "It doesn't matter what you look in the outside she will always know who you are because of your pure soul. But don't be mad at her because whatever is inside of her was making her think that she loved you. And the proof is on the curse that I place on you she broke it. I am sorry," she said to both of us. Scarlett just started to crying and I just stood still frozen in place. This couldn't be happening it had to be a lie my wolf whimper inside of me. I folded my hand in a fist and tighten it. "You may be right but. That doesn't change the fact that she's my mate," I said as I looked at her. She looked taken and just looked at me as if trying to figure out something. "Scarlet I am sorry for everything that has happened. And even if whatever I fell for you before was a lie. I just want you to know that what I feel now for you it's real, even if it is just the mate bond. Please I'm begging you forgive. I love you and I would do anything for you," I said with pleading eyes as I fell on my knees and tears started to fall from my eyes. The woman just smile, "you truly do love her don't you," she said as she turned her attention to Scarlett. "Then help us Escape," she said I just looked at her confused. "The witch Queen. She is near, it's only a matter of time for her to arrive. She's after Scarlett she's a wicked woman and she will stop at nothing to get her. You are strong you may have a chance of defeating her. You have to, no you must fight her and put a stop to her. I'll take Scarlett to a safe place," she said as she turn around and looked at me in the eyes with a smile that I couldn't figure out.

I just look at her back in the eyes, "I will do it," I said. Scarlett looked taken, "you can," she said. "Excellent," said the woman and turn her attention back to Scarlet. "Don't worry honey she will be okay know go get you things," Scarlet looked scare. "But," I said and she stop. "Yes?" she said. "I want you to stay here. There is no safer place that the pack house. there you can both be safe," the woman look taken and a little upset. "You do not understand. If you are not capable of defeating her then Scarlett will be in danger," "no she won't. If anything is to happen to me she will be able to escape and take all the wolves with her to protect her." She just looked at me for a few moments and then spoke again. "Very well but, what about the darkness within you?. What would you do if you lose control of it?. Can you promise me that she will be safe." I was taken by this, "I understand where you're coming from Sky, but. I think it is best if we leave. She will be safe and once this is all over you can both be together again," she said. I saw as both of them starting to walk away from me I couldn't help but feel defeated I just look down at the ground disappointed, there was nothing that I could do. 'NO!. KILL HER!' Said something darke with in me. I was shaken by these, all these years I had only being able to see red eyes. It had never once spoken to me and now that it had it scared me to my very cord. 'Noooo.....!.' I could feel myself losing control over it, it wanted to come out. my hands started shaking I could see my nails starting to grow this was different from all those other times this was much worse than before. Quickly stood up and run I could hear Scarlett calling out to me but it wasn't safe I had to leave. 'NO! KILL HER!' said the voice again I ignore it and kept on running once I was inside the forest I took as much power as I could from my wolf and just started running as fast as I could. 

As I was running I fell down and just started screaming it was so painful. I slowly turn around and started to get up when all of a sudden I felt a sharp pain on the back of my head. "What should we do," I heard distant voices talking. "We should leave her for know we need to tell the other," and just like that everything went dark.


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