missing the family

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"Christian, welcome back." Ty said standing up and bowing.

"Yes welcome back." Nathaniel said.

Jayce just smiled as Christian took a seat next to him.

"So who are the eligible girls?" Christian asked with a smirk.

Ew. Scratch me off the list.

"Oh yes." Jayce said clearing his throat.

Christian nodded and looked around the table.

"This is Maxine, Sadie and Mia." Ty said as Rick walked over to us and made us stand up.

"Okay it is nice to meet all of you." Christian said.

Dinner was over quickly, thank the Lord.

I just walked up to my room and sat on my bed. I wanted to call my brothers so bad but I knew I couldn't. They would have came anyways and then tried to break me out and then gotten themselves killed so I was grateful that they were cut loose of all information about my where abouts.

"What's wrong with you?" Nathaniel asked at the doorway.

"I had to sneak out of my house and try to attempt to go to a party I wasn't allowed to go to . . . " I said as I sighed.

"What are you talking about?" He asked.

"I was kidnapped in front of my house." I replied.

"Wait a minute . . . so you have a family somewhere out there looking for you?" He asked.

"Yeah and well I miss them." I said.

"I'm surprised you have not tried to escape." He said.

"I don't know how far away I am from home. There's not way I'd survive." I replies shrugging my shoulders.

"They'll find me."

"I heard that you were an orphan." Nathaniel said.

"I am." I said.

"So who's your family then?" He asked.

"My brothers and sister and maybe my step Dad if you catch him on a good day." I said.

"Oh I see." He said.

Its actully not that bad here I guess.

"Do you want to see how they are doing without you?" He asked.

"I would but I can't. I mean look what happened to Sadie and her brother trying to reconnect. Look what happened to her." I said.

"That was different though." Nathaniel said.

"How?" I asked.

"I am giving you permission." He said.

"I will talk it over with Ty and the others and maybe tonight we can take you out to see if they are okay." He said.

"Really?" I asked standing up.

"We'll see."Nathaniel said.

"Thank you so much." I said as he walked down the hall.

"No problem. You're living here now and probably will for a while and I want to make it easier on you." He replied.

"Thanks again." I said.

"Sure but you need to get some rest." Nathaniel said.

"I will don't worry.' I said.

I crawled over to my door, closed it and crawled into my bed and fell into a deep sleep.

Nathaniel's Point of View

I was so surprised to hear that she had a family. Rick promised me that all of these girls were orphaned and had no one and that why they were here. I guess not because she seems really upset.

I walked downstairs and into the back room where I found Jayce and Ty sitting and Rick reading a book.

"Hey." I said as I entered the room.

"Oh Hello Nathaniel." Rick said.

"I have something to ask of you." I said as I sat beside Jayce on the blue couch.

"And what might that be?" Ty asked.

"Maxine has a family and she wants to see them tonight . . . may she?" I asked.

"No!" Ty yelle.d

"Of course not." Rick laughed.

"What do you mean of course not?!" I asked.

"That is ridiculous." Jayce said.

"Not you too." I said.

"Yes. I agree with them. We cannot expose anyone out there. They could discover us." He said.

"They shouldn't? I just want her to know if they are okay." I said.

"No they are mourning becuas ethey think she's dead.' Rick said.

"That�s how you want it?" I asked.

"Its better then them seeing her looking through a flipping window and then calling the cops and following us home and then the whole situation with Sadie all over again." Ty said.

"The answer is no." Rick said.

"So how is she supposed you handle all this?" I asked.

"She'll forget about them as soon as the engagement begins. That is still in progress as well." He said.

Normal POV

"Maxine?" Nathaniel asked.

I felt pressure over my body and I opened my eyes and I saw Nathanial hovering over me.

"We can't do it." He said.

"Do what?" I asked.

"We can't go to your house, it's too risky." He said.

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