Chapter 1: Running Seems Like A Good Idea...

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19 Years Before The Two Year Time-Skip

Island in the North Blue

"Yes, Shanks, he is your son."

The latter stares in disbelief at the child in his lover's arms. She kept a calm, strong expression in adversity to the tears streaming down her face. He wanted to wipe them away, but that would likely make her anger worsen. He had left her a year and five months ago, and now he came back to find a child she claims to be his. Well, first he received a slap to the face, which he completely deserved. He knew he made a horrible mistake leaving her like that. Shanks thought she would understand that his pirating ways would have him leave the majority of the time. They both had talked about it, but over a year was obviously too long for her.

"You–You could have contacted me with a snail, right? I wish you could've...given me a heads up before−" He begins.

"I know, I know..." She closes her eyes painfully, holding up a hand to silence him. "I...I wanted to call, but I didn't know if you were in the middle of...something, and I didn't know if you would be a-angry..."

She backs away from him, covering her mouth with her hand and letting her tears drop to the shore below her. Shanks hesitantly steps forward and carefully takes her wrist. He kisses the back of her hand, then intertwines their fingers. She looks up at him.

"I honestly...don't know how I can father our child. You and I both know I can't settle down, or get married. If my enemies found you knowing that you were my wife, and him my son...there's no telling what they'd do to you both. I'm not saying I couldn't protect you, but you just never know." Shanks places his hand on her cheek and wipes a tear away with his thumb, softly. "But, I promise to see both of you often. I will try my best for you, and for him."

She opens her mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. The breeze rocks her wavy, brown hair to the side. The nine-month-old baby in her arms squirms in his peaceful sleep, cooing quietly. She instinctively bundles him tighter into his yellow blanket. The breeze nips at his vibrant, red locks as well. The child's mother shakily exhales and places her head onto Shanks's chest. He immediately runs a hand through her hair and wraps an arm around her, burying his face into her cocoa strands.

"Sh-Shanks...we are too young..." She whispers.

"I know. You are a strong woman and I believe we can both do this. While I'm away, I know you'll take great care of him and raise him right. I—I'm sorry I can't...can't stay with you and..." He trails off, sighing.

"It's alright, Shanks. It's alright." she assures him with a smile, but he could tell it wasn't alright.

Shanks returns the smile anyway, leaning down to kiss her gently. Once he pulls away, he looks down to observe their child. He trails his fingers along the blanket, careful to not wake him. After a while they walk along the shore in peaceful silence.

15 Years Later

Sherry Island, South Blue

A girl no taller than a seven-year-old cuts through the streets of Sherry Town. She didn't necessarily have much purpose being there. After her usual trip as a stowaway on various pirate ships, she just so happened to stumble upon it. Unfortunately, the members of the crew had caught her at the last second, so she ran like a gazelle around the entire town to get away from them. Her small frame now leans against the brick wall of a derelict home, supposedly far from the deadly pirate crew. She catches her breath, supporting her weight onto the building behind her. Her hand reaches up to straighten her plaid, newsboy cap. She was quite a pitiful sight, with her many bruises and cuts. Her tattered, white dress reached below her kneecaps. The poor thing didn't even have shoes on her calloused feet.

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