Chapter 11: The Milk Gives Her Visions

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Binibara awoke the next morning to pure silence. On any other day, it would've irked her, but her head was still killing her so the silence did a lot of good. She rose up and sat on the edge of the bed, wincing at the dull pain she felt in her body. On the corner of the bed she noticed neatly stacked clothes and worn shoes. Standing, she knit her brows together as she picked up the sandals. They were red, but the color was very faded. Judging by the soot stained on them, she assumed they were the shoes they found her in. She didn't remember them.

Putting them aside, she picks up the shirt. She makes a gagging noise, covering her mouth. The shirt looked revolting. It was a forest green color, and it was way too big for her. She looked at the pants and squeezed her eyes shut. Sweatpants. Her worst enemy. Groaning, she sets down the shirt and puts on the dreadful thing. They weren't too baggy, but she still shuddered when she looked down to see how they looked. She decided to keep the white shirt on. Wearing a bra didn't matter since her breasts were bandaged. She hoped and prayed that Hattie girl was the one who wrapped them. She tossed the sandals on the floor and slipped her feet in.

Her head peeked out of her room after she got the door open. She looked from left to right, checking if anyone was around. She takes a step into the hallway, but her foot felt something round. She nearly slips on the object, catching herself by holding onto the door. She gasps in pain, biting her tongue to keep herself from screaming. Looking down in frustration, she sees a coconut rolling in a circle. Why in the h*** was a coconut in front of the door? Eye twitching, she kicks the coconut down the hall. She clears her throat and shuts the door, flipping her hair. She looks around, seeing that three doors were on each side of the hallway. Turning her head, she sees that on the right end of the hallway there were two other doors side by side. She wanted to snoop around a little, but the fear of running into anyone else besides Lucius made her change her mind. She turned left, where sunlight beamed at the end of the hallway, and made her way down it.

The floorboards slightly creaked as she walked. Once she reached the end of the hall she turned left, stumbling when she realized there were steps. She looked up and saw an opening to the deck. Looking closer, she saw that on both frames there were broken door hinges. Bewildered, she walks up the steps and goes over to a broken hinge, running a finger over it. Shaking her head, she walks forward, ignoring it for now.

She blinks, adjusting to the bright sun. Her eyes scan the deck and she instantly spots a mess of red hair. Lucius and his crew were standing in front of the main mast, talking intently to one another. Hattie was on his shoulders, grinning like the idiot she was. Binibara sees a tall, dark man with axes crossed on his back standing next to two twins. She couldn't identify which one was Ryan. She had almost forgotten him telling her about his twin brother Reed.

Cautiously, she walks over to the group of people and stands a good distance behind them. Lucius immediately looks at her, and everyone turns around. Her cheeks heat up at being the center of attention.

"Hey, you're up," Lucius says, smiling. "Give us a second."

She just nods, eavesdropping on their conversation. The ax man ignores her, turning back to Lucius. One of the twins smiles at her, while the other one wiggled his eyebrows. She figured that one was Ryan. Binibara memorized their clothes so that she wouldn't get confused later with who was who. Hattie didn't even pay attention to her.

"I think the name is perfect, Boss." Reed, Binibara thinks, says to Lucius.

"Are you all sure? Hattie suggested it last night and wanted to see if you all agreed with the idea." Lucius informs.

"It's not bad at all," says the ax man. "You're the captain, so it's your decision."

"It's settled then." Lucius declares, grinning up at Hattie.

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