Chapter 10: Coconut Nurseries and Stew

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Her head felt like it was going to split open. Pain and constant ache rippled up and down her body wave after wave. She was half conscious, only able to comprehend through sense. Any noise that went through her ears was dulled and disoriented. Water...she could feel water. It rocked her at a steady rhythm, soothing her body despite the pain she felt. But, it was also pulling her down, making her weak. It was the strangest sensation. Her arms were draped around...something, and that something kept her body afloat.

She heard a noise that she perceived as...voices, maybe? For all she knew, she could've been dreaming. The pounding rendered her unable to think a single sentence. When she'd try, throbbing would take over. The rhythmic rocking became rougher, and the voices were getting closer. For several moments, she couldn't hear a thing. Then suddenly, something pulled her out of the water. She felt her body being lifted, then felt it gently rest against a firm object. Something gentle touched her cheek, and a voice clearly rung in her ears.

"You're gonna be alright. I promise..."


She opened her eyes, willing them to clear. All she saw were dark splotches in her vision, red and dots of blue, then a calming yellow glow.

"Hey," a male voice whispered. "How are you feeling?"

"Is she awake?" a distant, higher-pitched, creepy sounding voice reached her ears. "Can I touch her?"

"No, no. Be quiet, Hattie," he whispers loudly. "Just stand there for a little longer."

Her vision clears, and what she sees makes her breath hitch in her throat. A handsome man around her age peered down at her face, softly smiling. His eyes were a gorgeous bright blue, bluer than the clearest of oceans, with a darker ring of blue around his pupils. His nose was perfectly straight, and his hair, oh gosh his hair, was a beautiful shade of crimson red. It was parted down the middle and his wavy locks were attractively messy. But, oddly, his hair looked wet. She looked down and saw he wore a white tank top, which showed off his chiseled muscles and strong arms. He was incredibly tan, and wore a towel around his neck. She felt a finger lift her face, and her field of vision was brought back to his eyes. He had an eyebrow raised.

"Did you hear me?" he asks, removing his finger. "You're not deaf, are you?"

She blushes, looking away. "N-No...I was just...I'm fine. Who are you?"

"Sinbad Lucius," he replies with a smile. "You?"

"Binibara." she says, knitting her eyebrows together.

A little girl's laugh fills the room, and Lucius turns his head toward the source of the noise.

"BINIBARA, HAHA! THAT'S RIDICULOUS!" the little girl giggles.

Binibara grits her teeth, turning her head towards the girl. She was very, very small. Her long hair was a light green, and her eyes were big and teal. She wore a long, sea green shirt with black tights, and wore no shoes. A brown, buccaneer hat rested on her head. Binibara noticed that her hair was really tangled.

"Not as ridiculous as your hair," she retorts, scoffing at the girl. "Hygiene doesn't seem to be in your area of expertise."

The little girl, Hattie, stares at her blankly. Lucius snickers, turning back to Binibara.

"You gotta dumb your words down for her. She wasn't trying to insult you. Promise," he assures her. "Are you in any pain?"

"No," Binibara replies. "Well... not terrible pain."

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