Chapter 7: Lucius and Hattie vs. Reed and Ryan

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Lucius zigzags at an incredible speed, leaving Ryan turning his head in every direction to keep up. He aims his gun in front of him and shoots at the blur of red to his left. The bullet scatters into smaller ones surrounded by electricity. Lucius slashes the splatter of bullets back at Ryan with his blade. He could feel electricity shoot up his arm, but it only stings him briefly. Ryan moves out of the way of his own attack, and Reed, after being warned by his brother, moves as well. Reed and Hattie began to fight shortly after.

Ryan thrusts both guns in front, spraying electric bullets at Lucius. The swordsman just dodges them with ease, not allowing them to hit the deck and ruin the ship. He notices the amount of electricity burning his arms. If he continued to hit the bullets, then it would take a toll on him eventually. Ignoring the pain, Lucius surges forward faster than a person could blink, and slices Ryan's right arm. He grunts in pain, dropping his gun as he stumbled back. Blood pours from the gash. Grimacing, Ryan continues to fire. Lucius kept slicing the bullets in half, and advances once more. Ryan struggles to regain his footing, but his efforts are deemed pointless when Lucius cuts yet another wound across his abdomen. Fortunately, it wasn't as deep as the one on his arm. Blood began to stain his blue shirt, and he falls to his knees, grabbing his stomach. Both of his guns were a distance way, leaving him defenseless.

Hattie does back flips and sidesteps to avoid Reed's bullet waves. The only problem was, when she landed next to the bullet holes in the floor, electricity shot up her legs. She screams as they give out. Taking advantage of the moment, Reed makes to kick her in the stomach. Her blades shot up at the right time in an "X" formation. His foot hits the steel, and he applies pressure with a frustrated growl. She grunts, trying to fight against his strength. Mustering all she had, she gets on her feet and shoves him backward. Reed only stumbles slightly, but it was enough for her to find an opening. She swipes her blades upward and cuts him across the cheek. He quickly recovers and smacks her across the face with his gun. She flies back, but regains her footing with a back flip. He uses the time to reload, then overwhelms her again with bullets. The reload was so fast Hattie could barely see his hands. She tries to hit the bullets away, and manages to get a few successfully. But she misses one and it grazes her arm. Electricity, along with the amount her blades conducted, shocks her entire body. She lets out a scream and drops her swords, falling to the ground. Her body is motionless, besides the occasional twitches and jerks. Reed looks slightly conflicted.

Lucius stabs him in the shoulder from behind. Reed wails, hitting the floor after the captain had yanked his blade out. Blood smeared the side of Lucius's face, along with the floor under Reed. He grasped his shoulder, moaning in pain. Lucius just steps on his back, pressuring the injury. Reed screams, begging him to stop.

"First off," Lucius snarls, taking a knee with his foot still on Reed. "That little girl over there better be alive. If she isn't, well..."

         He stabs one of his blades into the floorboard, centimeters away from Reed's nose. Reed whimpers, writhing under his hold. His eyes were enormously wide as he stared at the only thing in his field of vision, a wicked, charcoal grey blade of heart-stopping width. Ryan pushes himself to his feet from a few yards away, still grasping into his stomach.

"L-Lucius, please. The whole thing was an accident!" Ryan groans, taking a knee. "We were going to play a stupid prank. We never expected it to go that far and put you and Hattie in danger. Please, stop this fighting."

Lucius presses down harder on Reed's back. He screams louder in agony. "Bulls**t."

"Th-They're telling...the truth," Hattie sputters, struggling to stand. She eventually just falls back down. "I overheard them t-talking about it."

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