Chapter 4: Coconuts and Flamingos

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The duo decided to make the run for supplies quick. They were still paranoid after the said incident with smugglers. Lucius docked it far out of the public eye. They both had to cross the island's rugged landscape. Trees were scarce, along with very little vegetation. Harsh water cut through riverbanks. It was a good twenty minutes until they made it to the town. The town was rather large, since the island was obviously the same way. Lucius and Hattie see a road and decide to walk along the sidewalk. They become part of the congested streets, and begin searching for shops with the supplies they need. Hattie childishly stares into every window of every shop. She greets people she doesn't even know. Lucius has to constantly pull her back to his side.

"I'm glad to see that you're the social butterfly, but we need to get serious here, Hattie. There's no time for window shopping." He says sternly.

"You're right, you're right. Sowwie, Captain." She puts her hands behind her back, grinning.

He rolls his eyes and continues forward. Hattie tries to keep up with his long strides. They walk hand-in-hand from place to place, stopping at trading stands to stores with medical and hardware appliances. Lucius even stopped to get ice cream for Hattie, in which she savagely devoured in seconds. After several hours of shopping, their arms were covered with bags and boxes. The tiny girl still had ice cream and sprinkles on her face as she determinately carried four boxes and three bags. Lucius smirks, turning his head towards her. He effortlessly carried six boxes stacked on his palm, and five bags in another hand. Hattie was stumbling left and right, trying to balance her heavy burdens. He shakes his head, but then remembers something. Nudging Hattie with one of his bags, he nods towards a clothing store a few blocks away.

"Hey, you want to check out some clothes over there?" He asks.

She looks at the store, then back at him. "Uh-huh."

They both walk to the small building with a sign that read, "Auntie Margo's", and the bottom said, "Clothing Store". Hattie stares at the sign, opening her mouth slightly. Lucius tries to pull her inside, but she stays put, tongue pressing against the roof of her mouth. A small noise leaves her throat. He looks back at the sign, then smiles.

"Could've done a little better with the naming scheme, huh? Come on, we should hurry."

"Yeah, okay..." She mutters, following while double-taking the sign.

Lucius pushes the door open and allows Hattie in first. She stumbles into the store, making the cashier at the register raise an eyebrow. He closes the door a little roughly and nods at the cashier.

"Hey, can we set our stuff here while she looks around? We've had quite a shopping day." He says with a smile.

The cashier was about to say something snappy, until she got a good look at his face and smile. Her heart melted, which was possibly the reason for her deep red blush. Her tongue felt numb, so she just stood there for a few minutes trying to form words. Lucius knits his eyebrows.

"I guess...that's a no?"

"N-No! I mean...of course! It's just hot in here. E-Ehehe!" The cashier waves her hands, chuckling nervously.

He smiles again and sets his boxes in front of the register counter, along with the bags. The cashier continued to stare at him. Hattie followed suit and placed her supplies beside his. He sighs, standing up straight.

"Is right here alright, ma'am?"

"Y-Yes. Perfectly fine." She replies.

"Oh, and where would the young girls' clothes be located? My little sister here needs an outfit." He picks Hattie up and puts her on his shoulders.

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