9. They're Coming With No Restraint

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I woke up to an empty bed, Gerard wasn’t there. I could hear the door creaking open. I expected to see someone that I was familiar with, but there wasn’t. There was something big and grotesque looking. I thought those little things in churches of demons and shit like that was weird, no this was weirder. This was more intense, and this was real.

The demon pushed the door opened, it’s eyes were just white blank pits, and it’s mouth was a sharp toothed monster. It was black and thin, it’s arms too long for its body, it made me think of Tim Burton. It’s spine was bent all crooked, and it’s legs were like a frogs, but the toes were sharp and dagger like. It had large bat like ears, and it was fucking scary.

I let out a small yelp and the demon waltzed over, it walked all gangly. I pushed myself off the bed and fell backward onto the floor. I cried out in pain when I felt something grab my ankle. There was no way in fucking Hell I was going to let something so fuckign bad happen to me again. I kicked it hard in the face and it let out a screech of agony.

“Fuck you!” I shouted. It’s claws cut into my leg and I kicked it in the face again. It tried to crawl up me but I slammed my hands onto its face and I held it back. It screeched at me and my hands began to glow. I didn’t dare move, this demon was trying to bite me, but my hands, my hands were glowing! Suddenly the glow became more powerful, it was a vibrant green colour and then the demon was sent backwards in a great big green flame. The flames also erupted all over the room, it caught most of the wallpaper on fire and most of the comforter on my bed.

The demon let out screeches of pain and it began to glow brightly. I looked at my hands, there were flame-like green gauntlets on my hands, they ended near my mid-forearm and they burned brightly, though it didn’t burn me. I got up and the demon was thrashing about on the floor, catching the carpet on fire. The smoke detector was going off loudly throughout the house now. “That’s right! Burn bitch!” I snarled as I walked over to the demon. I grabbed the demon by the throat, overcome by some kind of powerful instinct and lifted it up and slammed it into the wall. It was engulfed in more green flames. “Burn to fucking ashes and go back to Hell!” I ordered and suddenly, the gauntlet turned bright and white, there was a big flash and I was sent across the room. The demon was gone, so was the magicka gauntlets, I slammed my head into the wall and landed on the floor limply.

I kind of blacked out for a few seconds, or minutes, I wasn’t sure. But I felt pain, pain everywhere almost. When I came to, I was in the bathroom, only in my boxers, but I was being held against someone’s chest. I could hear the tub running, the water pouring into the half full basin. I saw familiar curly fro-like hair that was leaning over the tub. I looked up to see the underside of my favorite Nephilim’s jaw.

“Frank?” Gerard asked, he looked down at me. Ray stopped and looked at me as well, a small smile coming across his face. Gerard pushed some of my hair out of my face and tried to search my expression.

“What happened?” I asked groggily, my voice slightly hoarse. I felt strange clutching nakedly to Gerard’s clothed chest. My arms and legs and of course my head hurt. I felt Gerard’s other hand, the one that hadn’t moved my hair near the back of my head, he was using some sort of magicka to make it cool, so it wouldn’t hurt as much. I glanced at Ray.

“You hit your head pretty hard and went unconscious.” Ray answered. “I’m surprised none of the demons got you when you hit your head.” Ray said. Gerard narrowed his eyes and laid a hand on my stomach, I tried not to think anything sexual of it, but his hand felt so good right there. I couldn’t understand why until I glanced down to see that my flesh was practically all gone. Well…not really, but there was a lot missing. Burned off, all gooey and trying to heal.

“They’re going to keep coming, Raymond.” Gerard said looking at the angel. Ray looked at him and nodded, he went back to keeping the temperature nice in the tub. “They’ll keep coming with no restraint, Satan has let them off their leashes. Their main and only mission is to get the Seer.” Gerard said sharply. I flinched and curled up against Gerard, but it hurt.

“The tub is full, I’ll be downstairs helping Mikey and Sarah.” Ray said, he looked at me and gave me a hopeful smile. He then left the bathroom. Gerard placed a soft kiss on my forehead.

“Did you see it?” I asked. Gerard lifted me up more and I put my hand in the tub, the water was lukewarm, but still cool. I looked at the tub, it was huge, like a Jacuzzi, it could fit like eight thousand people if need be. Gerard didn’t seem to hear me.

“You need to get in, it’s up to you whether you take your boxers off or not.” Gerard said. He gently put me down and I touched the edge of the tub. “You really need to get healed, Frank. These burns are not normal, they are bad. But we’re lucky they aren’t third degree.” Gerard told me. I hesitantly got in, and once my waist touched the water, Gerard put a hand on my shoulder and pushed me the rest of the way down. He sat near the tub, but not in the water. The tub was pretty deep, it covered me up to the middle of my neck.

“I did it.” I said, Gerard’s eyes flashed onto me and his eyes seemed to darken to a black colour. I flinched a little at this and pressed myself against the tub wall. “The burns…I made the flames.” I whispered.

“How did you make the flames, Frank? There’s no way in hell you could! Those weren’t simple flames you’d get from a box of matches.” Gerard said sharply. I shook my head and next thing I knew Gerard stood up and began peeling his shirt off of himself, then his jeans, leaving his boxers on. He got in the Jacuzzi tub and put his hands on my shoulders, pressing me against the wall harder. I didn’t even care that it hurt. “You couldn’t have done it.” Gerard said sharply.

“I did!” I said, Gerard’s hands gripped me tighter, I knew there would be a bruise. I reached up and grabbed is wrists, my hands beginning to glow once more, the flames seemed to start up once more, but they died down since they were underwater. Gerard’s eyes widened and he let go of me. “See?” I asked.

“Magicka.” Gerard muttered. “When did you learn to do that?” Gerard asked.

“I didn’t learn…it just happens.” I answered. “It happened when the demon was trying to get me. Then, the flames turned into some kind of gloves and I destroyed the demon. I think…I burned myself on accident.” I explained. Gerard looked at my shoulders and wrapped an arm around my waist.

“I’m sorry I got mad.” Gerard whispered, he pulled me up into his lap. It was quite weird, feeling our bodies touching again. I mean, it had only been a few hours, but I had gone unconscious and it felt so different now. I nodded and Gerard pressed a soft kiss to my shoulder, he suddenly bit down where the skin had already been bruising. I yelped a little and then remembered this was another way to heal me.

I grunted a little and he pulled away, the wound and the bruises were gone. He looked at me. “What about the burns, can you do anything with that?” I asked. Gerard nodded and he put his hands on mine, where the gauntlets of fire had burned my skin and his hands began to glow. It felt cold. “You didn’t tell me you could heal me that way.” I muttered, Gerard smirked.

“I just like how you taste.” Gerard whispered, he finished healing that as much as he could, it was practically all the way healed but not totally. “And these wounds on your stomach and hips are the worst. I have to use the other way, Frank. Otherwise I cannot heal them as best as I can.” Gerard told me. I nodded and he let me put my arms on the side of the tub, holding myself in place as he suddenly went underwater. I felt his weird prickly cat-like tongue slide across my stomach, I groaned slightly at the feeling, it was somewhat pleasurable, his eyes were glowing brightly, he was using some kind of magicka to make this feel so good. He didn’t seem to need to come up for air or anything, he just kept trying to heal me. I fisted my hands in his hair and groaned and leaned my head back as his tongue lowered toward my hips. I could feel the burns healing as much as they could, but the feeling of his tongue against my flesh and the magicka enhancing it was driving me crazy.

When his tongue went around the edge of my boxers, I then knew he was done with the healing and now he was teasing me. I grabbed his hair forcefully and pulled him up, his hair fell over his face as he broke the surface of the water. It was all tangled and wet. He looked at me with playful eyes.

“Gee.” I started, he nodded and moved forward to plant a kiss on my nose, his hair getting me all wet too. I guess it was alright now, the demons didn’t seem to come here now, I guess after I got that one they backed off for a while. Gerard and I cuddled in the Jacuzzi tub, not even bothering to get out yet. Just holding eachother. It was nice.

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