14. Family

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I remember waking up and being half naked and having Gerard leaning over me. We were in the van. Ray was leaning over the back seats, he had pushed the screen wall away so he could see us. Mikey and Sarah were up front. Gerard’s hands were being placed on my chest and glowing brightly, but he paused when he saw that I had opened my eyes.

“Frank, how are you feeling?” Gerard asked curiously, he had a worried tone. I glanced at Ray who grinned so widely that I thought his mouth would disappear into his hair. I looked back at Gerard and he pushed some of my hair out of my face, I noticed that he had a lot of blood on his hands and arms.

“Did you bring me back here?” I asked in a groggy voice. Gerard nodded. “Where did you disappear off to?” I asked him.

“I got mad at you…when you said you wished none of this had ever happened. Because…that would have meant that we never would have met.” Gerard mumbled, he was about to press a soft kiss to my forehead, but I reached up and put my hand on his chest. He pulled away and gave me a confused look.

“A kiss on the forehead isn’t going to make anything better, Gerard. You have no fucking idea what happened to me.” I spat through grit teeth. Gerard sighed and put his hands back on my chest, his hands glowing once more. “And what he said to me…I’ll never forget anything he said.” I said sharply.

“I take it he told you.” Gerard replied quietly, he closed his eyes avoiding me in his gaze entirely.

“Told you what?” Ray asked. Gerard’s eyes flickered open and he had an expression that pleaded for me to not tell Ray what Lucifer had told me about the Way brothers. I shook my head and sighed.

“Nevermind.” I mumbled. “I feel so…hurt.” I muttered. Gerard finally got to place that little kiss on my forehead and for some reason it did kind of make me feel better. It made me feel safe, it made me feel comfortable because I was somewhere I could trust. I knew I could trust Gerard, I knew that he never would have let me get taken away if he was there. “He did something…he took something from me.” I said quietly. Gerard was trying to heal me. “He put his hand on my chest and seemed to absorb something from me. I felt something being taken, and I feel that it’s still gone.”

“He took your humanity away.” Gerard told me. “That’s why he was able to take up a human form, he took some of your humanity. That’s why you have…” Gerard’s voice trailed off.

“W-wings.” I finished for him. Gerard nodded. My back hurt the worse, but I could understand why Gerard wanted my chest healed first. So that way he could take his time and have me on my stomach while he healed my back. Some way it was just quicker, but the wounds weren’t healing like he wanted them to, I could see it in his eyes. “He also did some things…that I don’t want to talk about.” I whimpered, I was fighting back tears. Gerard grit his teeth and leaned close to me, he kissed me lightly.

“I know what he did, Frankie. I won’t make you talk about it.” Gerard whispered in my ear. I nodded and watched him continue to try and heal me.

“Where are we going?” I asked after a bit of silence. Ray turned back around and looked at me. He had a weird expression. I looked at him and narrowed my eyes, he gave off a small grin. “Ray Toro, where are we going?” I asked. He still didn’t answer and I slammed my hand on the bottom of the van, the van kind of leapt up off the paved road and Mikey made a loud growl.

“Watch it man, you’re stronger than you think you are.” Mikey warned, his voice traveling an echoing around the van. I felt myself flush of colour and Gerard stroked my hair.

“You should stay calm, Frankie. I don’t want you bleeding anymore.” Gerard said. He had managed to clot a lot of the wounds so I wasn’t bleeding as badly anymore. I looked back at Ray.

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