33. Traitor

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So this update is dedicated to SincerelyEmilie! Thank you for always commenting your reactions because they make me laugh! (No seriously it's so fun to see how you react to certain things) So, thanks and hope you enjoy!

"This is surely a joke." Lady Elara said.

Her ice blue eyes roamed over Adeen's body once again, and like the last times, every few seconds she made sounds of disapproval. King Thorfinn had called her in to "comfort the girls with an authoritative female figure after the passing of the Queen." As the King's sister wrinkled her nose in disgust, Adeen decided she was every bit as mean as the King.

"You're the one he likes?" She asked and smiled humorlessly. Her smile disappeared, replaced by a frown. "You're nothing but a Six, a filthy peasant."

Lady Elara spit every single word, and Adeen gripped the book she was holding. She was sitting on a couch in the Women's Room, Lady Elara sitting on a couch in front of her. Sitting besides Adeen, June observed her, close enough to spring into action should Adeen do something impulsive. Lady Elara looked at Adeen's body once again, shrugged, and smoothed down her black hair, the same shade as Skander's. Adeen found the resemblance uncanny. Whenever she looked at Lady Elara, she felt as if she was looking at a meaner, female version of Skander. Just as Adeen opened her mouth to say she was not a Six anymore, somebody knocked on the door.

Every girl's head turned, even Sosie, who sat up straighter. A maid opened the door slightly, and stared at someone on the other side, who spoke quietly. She nodded and turned around, shutting the door behind her. The blonde maid made her way to were Adeen sat.

"It's for you, Miss." She said as she handed Adeen a letter.

Adeen, ignoring the stares from the girls, thanked her and opened the red and gold envelope. Inside, there was a note written in neat handwriting.

Dear Adeen,

We found the man. The interrogation will last a few days, but I assure you we'll find out why he did it. I'll let you know if something new comes up.

Love always, Skander

For a few seconds, Adeen stared at the letter, her hands shaking slightly.

"Cat got your tongue, Six?" Lady Elara teased, now knitting a sweater.

Adeen's mouth worked a couple of times as she looked out the windows. The girls stared at her distant gaze, and finally Adeen calmed herself and spoke.

"They found him, the man."

The Selected and the King's Sister stared at Adeen. Finally, June broke the silence.

"Are you okay?"

Adeen stood up and smoothed down her light blue dress. She carefully put down her book and nodded.

"Yes, I'm fine. I just need some rest, that's all."

June nodded, her brow furrowed slightly, but neither she nor the girls said anything else as Adeen walked to the door. As her hand rested on the knob, Adeen heard Lady Elara finally speak.

"Is she always so pathetic?"

Adeen didn't wait to hear the girls' response, opening the door and closing it swiftly. She leaned on it for a second, staring at the corridor. She took in deep breaths, staring at a pretty painting in front of her.

"Miss, are you okay?" A guard to her left asked.

Adeen nodded and forced herself to walk down the luxurious hall. She was debating whether to go back to her room as she rounded a corner and bumped into someone. Adeen looked up at Skander's face.

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