Chapter Seventeen

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A/N: Hehe, okay so I finally updated. You guys are kinda gonna hate me for this chapter, muahaha! But you know. One of those things that needs to happen to get the plot going. Remember to vote and comment! :) Thanks for reading!

Chapter Seventeen

I stopped wearing eyeliner.

It had been a long weekend, as I eagerly awaited school that Monday. The scene kept replaying in my head. Over and over and over again. Waiting by the bus stop. In the rain. With Gabriel. 

“I did want to.” 

What exactly had he meant?

The whole thing felt almost like a dream.

But at school that Monday, I was in for a rude awakening.

* * *

“How could she do that?” I heard an obnoxious sounding girl whisper as I was changing out of my gym uniform. There were two girls in my grade talking a few lockers away, but I could hear their conversation clearly.

“I know right, to her own best friend! She knew they were dating. I swear, if one of my friends ever did that do me, I’d kill their reputation at this school,” The blonde one said.

The other one, with curly brown hair, glanced coldly in my direction. “What are you looking at?” She snapped.

I didn’t bother answering. Could they have been talking about me?

I got back into my jeans and converse before quickly exiting the locker room. I hated being around people that were mad at me. I tended to care a little too much about what other people thought.

I still had five minutes before lunch, so I stopped in the bathroom on the first floor. I needed a minute to catch my breath.

When I looked in the mirror, I felt sick to my stomach. That uneasy, anxious feeling, like you want to throw up. Had they been talking about me? Did I do something wrong? I couldn’t explain why, but I felt guilty.

I heard voices nearby in the hallway, so I grabbed my book bag and locked myself in a stall. A small group of girls walked in. I lifted my feet onto the toilet seat so they wouldn't know I was in there.

“Are you still gonna be friends with her?” One of the girls asked. I recognized her voice but I couldn’t remember her name.

“If you ask me, she doesn’t deserve it,” A second girl added.

“I don’t know. I thought I could trust her.”

That voice I knew for sure. It was Annabelle.

“But she went on a date with your boyfriend behind your back! Don’t you see the way she looks at him? There’s no way she just wants to be his friend!”

“Yeah, but she and Gabriel have been friends way before I ever met him. It’s not like I can ask them to stop talking. I’m just scared she’s going to steal him away from me,” Annabelle said, sounding desperate. “He says he likes me, but on Friday, when I asked him if he wanted to hang out, he said he was busy. And then I find out he was with her instead. It just doesn’t add up.”

“She’s a boyfriend-stealing bitch! You’re way prettier than she is, trust me. Like what the hell, she wears like, Gap kids, and she has the body of a ten-year-old. Gabriel would be a complete retard to ditch you for that slut!” The first girl said.

Annabelle laughed. She fucking laughed.

Some bitch I didn’t even know was cursing me out, and Annabelle, who I thought was one of my closest friends for the past two years, found it amusing. Furious tears prickled at the back of my eyes and my fists were balled up so tightly that my nails were starting to dig into my skin.

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