Chapter 5 - Teenage Fan Girls

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Chapter 5; Teenage Fan Girls

Maxxon Chase's P.O.V. ;

   MAXXON CHASE; the world's newest, young bachelorette.

   Maxxon Chase, often referred to as Max, made a big splash earlier this August when she made her way to the top of the food chain. Max just managed to snag a spot as the new CEO of the Malik & Co. The twenty-two year-old didn't only make it big in the world of business, but with many young teenagers as well! She has stared on the cover of Forbes Magazine, Cosmopolitan, Vogue, Seventeen, and just recently took the spotlight as the new Cover Girl!

   With such good looks, how does she manage being with a bunch of old guys in suits? She doesn't do it alone! Miss Chase lives with her two best friends -- both guys! She was rumored to be living with two others, but both had moved out. Of course Maxxon misses partying with her friends and doing all the other youngster stuff, but her good looks don't apply in the office.

   Of course, there's always the only other young entrepreneur, Monsieur Zayn Malik. In fact, we wouldn't be surprised if the two had a quick shag during Maxxon's job interview. Besides her good looks and obvious skills in the bedroom, Miss Chase has done a lot for the business in America. We wouldn't be too surprised if they had a celebratory kiss at the CEO gathering next week.

   I scoff, closing the page on my cell phone. Yeah, I wouldn't mind a celebratory kiss either if Monsieur Zayn Malik wasn't being such an ass right now. Nigga needs to hop of that dick of his. Oh wait, what dick? Hahahaha. No, Max. That was mean. You're not mean, your flawlessly kind and donate to people in need. But Zayn has a little part of my mean side, so that doesn't count. 

   "Maxy!" Harry calls, storming into my bedroom. "Did you hear the news because the news is important?" Harry says, climbing onto my bed and sitting right in front of me. His green eyes are wide, and he's staring at me as if I took the last cookie in the jar. Oh, wait, I did. "They found out that one of the CEOs for this company was a drug-dealer so now they're doing a background check for all the CEOs! Do you know what this means? We'll all get arrested!" Harry frantically cries, flailing his arms around.

   "Harry, don't worry. I never did anything wrong. I never got caught." I look through my phone, pausing. "Except that one time I was jay-walking and got a ticket. Oh my God, does that count? Harry, we're screwed!" I say, grabbing him by the shoulders and shaking him back and forth. Harry places his hands on my shoulder, stopping me.

   "Calm down, Max. I'm sure that doesn't count. At least we get to stay in America. I told Gemma I could go more than six months without flying back, and I intend on keeping that promise," Harry says, standing up off my bed and looking around my room.

   "What are you doing here anyway?" I ask, swinging my legs over the edge of the bed. "Who let you in?" I say, suddenly worried I had left the front door open again. I will not get my four-slide toaster stolen again.

   "Niall let me in. Said something about going to the waves and not telling," Harry mumbles, playing with the frames on my desk. He clamps his hand over his mouth. "Don't tell him I told you! He'll threaten me with that stupid seashell necklace again!"

   "That's all I need to hear, Styles," I say, narrowing my eyes at him. "You can leave." Harry runs out the door, shouting something about a cream pie he made. I take a glance out my window, and sure enough, Niall's out there surfing again. Jerk promised me we'd walk down the Walk of Fame today. 

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